In late October, we reported that Loren and Alexei Brovarnik are pregnant with their first child . This is wonderful news, and it couldn't happen to a more beloved couple. Look at any 90 Day Fiance poll on favorite couples, and their names will rise to the top very quickly. One name from teh franchise who is more polarizing among fans is Ashley Martson. Believe it or not, Ashley and Loren got into a heated feud online … over Loren's baby announcement . The weird part is that fans may be shocked by which one's the bad guy. 1. Let’s start with the good news As we previously reported, Loren and Alexei are expecting their first child! 2. Hooray!! As n added bonus, Loren revealed that her first trimester was a relatively easy one. 3. They gushed over each other Loren has praised how Alexei has been an “amazing support system” for her during this pregnancy. 4. The baby is due this spring! And the pair hinted that their baby may have been conceived in Israel, which is of course where they met while Loren was on her Birthright trip. 5. Nice! These two are amazing and HUGE fan-favorites, so it’s so wonderful to see them celebrating such happy news. 6. So … how does this relate to Ashley/ Ashley did not even share a season with Loren and Alexei, after all. She is also not pregnant. View Slideshow
We already showed you the 90 Day Fiance Season 7 teaser trailer , showing off seven brand new couples. One of those couples was Emily and Sasha, and their sweet story is already bogged down by some baggage. See, Emily is Baby Mama #3 for the 31-year-old fitness trainer. Do these two make it to the altar? Or will Sasha's past drag him back to his other children in Russia? Couples split or reconcile even after filming ends, but take a look below and see everything that we know right now: 1. We already know that Emily is pregnant with Sasha’s baby In fact, we now know that Emily gave birth to Sasha’s child, David Alexandrovich, in November of 2018 — in Russia, before traveling to the US. 2. And yes, we know that Sasha is hot Sasha’s real name is Alexander, which means that Sasha appears to be a nickname. Also, while his hotness instantly appealed to Emily, she’s not the first, which is why they’re in all of this trouble. He has two babies with two different exes. 3. Hear his first ex-wife tell it Already the mother of his child, she describes how he got another woman pregnant and he reported it to her. 4. Sasha asked for a divorce He wanted to marry baby mama #2 … and thus needed the divorce. Notably, Emily is Baby Mama #3 and was not yet in the picture. 5. And along came Emily Emily, of course, had no idea. Sasha was just some obscenely hot dude she met in a gym. He became her personal trainer, she became his tutor, both of which are pretty standard porn premises. And then she got pregnant. Whoops. 6. But here’s their backstory So, in late 2015, Emily graduated with a degree in English Education … and moved to Volgograd, Russia at the beginning of 2016 to teach English. It looks like she and Sasha began dating in June of 2016, and they were all lovey-dovey on social media by late summer and early autumn of that year. View Slideshow
In real time, 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way stars Deavan and Jihoon have just suffered a miscarriage . Reality stars can have real problems. On the show, their castmate Rebecca Parrot is grappling with what fans believe may be a situation of physical abuse from Zied Hakimi. Rebecca is now speaking out and addressing fans directly. On Sunday, TLC aired an alarming preview for 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way . In the video, fans believed that they saw Zied forcefully jerk Rebecca towards him, and fans raised the alarm about abuse. Many had been worried for Rebecca from the start, and they know that, statistically, bisexual women are more likely to be abused by a male partner. “Zied grabbing Rebecca by the neck is a huge red flag,” wrote one fan. “That’s abusive behavior used to exert dominance.” “Another abusive situation Rebecca and [Zied],” another tweet lamented. Alongside a video of her conveying the same message, Rebecca is trying to clear the air on social media. “I need to make something VERY CLEAR,” Rebecca's impassioned caption begins. “Zied has NEVER been abusive,” she announces. Rebecca then affirms: “Zied would NEVER be abusive.” “This is dangerous to make light of and it needs to stop now,” she expresses. She does, however, recognize why people now have this impression o Zied. “I understand that the preview was misleading,” Rebecca acknowledges. “However the scene in its full entirety was very clear!” she assures her followers. Rebecca explains: “Zied was apologizing to me and I was the one who pulled away from him.” “I was angry,” she clarifies. “Not Zied.” “As an abuse survivor in previous relationships, I would never allow this,” “and would never make excuses for it.” “In addition, TLC and Sharp Entertainment would not only not have allowed it, but would not have aired it.” Is she sure about that? TLC has certainly aired multiple abusers across various shows. And we seem to recall Anfisa Arkhipchenko Nava striking her husband in the face on camera. That was domestic violence. That aired. “It is dangerous to make accusations like this,” Rebecca expresses. She continues: “and make it look like I’m making excuses.” “As there are women watching in actually dangerous relationships,” Rebecca accurately guesses. She worries that these are women “that think if I’m staying with this man, it’s okay for them to.” “It is never okay to be in any relationship that is even slightly abusive,” Rebecca affirms. “Reality tv likes to create drama, and did that with the preview,” Rebecca explains. “The scene in its entirety,” she emphasizes. “Clearly shows Zied was not being abusive in ANY way.” Rebecca concludes: “Be responsible with your accusations. ” That is very good and important advice for anyone. We will keep in mind that it's the right thing to keep an eye out for abuse — verbal, emotional, fiancial, physical, or sexual — just about everywhere. There are a lot of monsters in this world. Rebecca just wants you to know that Zied is not one of them.
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way fans have a lot of opinions about the possibilty of Evelin Villegas and Corey Rathgeber getting back together . It turns out that they may not have to worry about that — but about someone else snatching him up. Corey was spotted with Larissa Lima, who openly expressed interest. And now Evelin is trying to warn her away. Late Wednesday night, Larissa Lima shared a selfie after she ran into Corey Rathgeber. Though both 90 Day Fiance stars, the two were on different seasons and have very different reputations. But, surely they both just happened to be in Vegas at the same time, right? After all, Corey has shared other photos, particularly snaps of him with beloved 90 Day Fiance stars David and Annie. But, as you’ll soon see, this simple selfie may be much more significant. So, on Thursday, Evelin went off in her Instagram Stories, addressing both fan complaints about her and her thoughts on Corey himself. “All [Corey] give me lately is disappointment,” Evelin writes. She continues, saying that he is “clearly in a ridiculous desperate need for fame and recognition.” Evelin points out: “There’s only one more minute of your ‘fame.'” She concludes that post by admonishing him: “Stop being a loser.” One fan commented on the selfie of Larissa and Corey that the pair make a cute couple, and Larissa wrote: “I agree.” This clearly set off Evelin. “I love you Larissa,” she begins. “But Corey is way too boring and needy for anybody.” “And he doesn’t have money,” Evelin warns, clearly thinking of Larissa’s reputation as a gold digger. She then suggests that much about Corey “is all an illusion.” So, a quick recap: Corey and Evelin broke up after Corey saw a video of Evelin cheating . Producers prepared him, had him sign a mental health waiver, and showed him a video that upset him a great deal. According to a leaker, he broke down crying and then spoke to a therapist that TLC had waiting for him backstage. Days later, he blocked Evelin on Instagram, much to her frustration. Recently, he unblocked her and the two refollowed each other. Now, days later, it appears that they didn’t go much further than that in patching things up. Meanwhile, Larissa broke up with her ex, Eric Nichols, less than a month ago. Yes, Larissa said she’s so tired of men taking advantage of her. But it’s been a few weeks since then. Some people really, truly do not like to be single, and there’s more to that than just general horniness. It’s possible that Larissa is one such person. It took about this much time after her scary, violent breakup with Colt for her to join Tinder. We don’t know that she or Corey are each other’s types, but … you never know. And Larissa sounds interested. Obviously, some viewers have taken an intense, even excessive dislike to Evelin Villegas. One should remember that these shows are heavily edited. Editing won’t put words in your mouth, but they can show only the negative if they want. Also, some of the things said to and about Evelin were hateful, ignorant, and even racist. Some, particularly certain older female fans who would just love to get their hands on Corey for themselves, want him to stay broken up with Evelin. Everybody’s entitled to their opinions, but … how do these fans feel about Corey maybe hooking up with Larissa? Is that what they wanted, or do they feel like it’s an out-of-the-frying-pan, into-the-fire situation? View Slideshow: Larissa Lima: Seekng Treatment for Anxiety, Depression
When Tiffany Franco promised her son, Daniel, that they’d go back to the US if it wasn’t right for him, she meant it. She married Ronald Smith in South Africa and got pregnant by him, but as viewers have now seen, she decided to go back home. Does this mean that it’s over for her and Ronald? On 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way , Tiffany realized that her move to South Africa would not — could not — be permanent. “I’ve been in South Africa for more than two months now,” Tiffany acknowledged to TLC’s cameras. “And the concerns I have of living in South Africa are piling up,” she admitted. “And,” she characterized. “It’s thing after thing.” You can’t judge any country but just one location, but there’s something about seeing broken glass on a playground that makes a mom want to leave. “Ronald has become a dad to Daniel,” Tiffany expressed. She emphasized: “And I know I love him.” “But,” she noted. “I feel like my common sense is telling me, ‘Don’t live here. It isn’t safe.'” “I’m taking opportunities away from my son and my baby that’s on the way,” she confessed. And she wasn’t the only one who knew that South Africa was not the place for her family.. Daniel is such a sweet boy. Some 90 Day Fiance kids have received horrible, downright deplorable comments from fans, but not Daniel. When his mother talked to him about where to live, he knew that he had to tell her the truth. He admitted that playgrounds weren’t the only bad thing about South Africa. He genuinely did not feel safe where they lived. “I promise you I’m gonna make the best decision,” Tiffany assured him. Her goal, she explained, is always “to keep you happy and what’s best for you. I promise.” “I want to go back home,” she told Ronald in a heart-to-heart. “And apply for your visa to come to the U.S.” Ronald has real concerns about that. He may not face the racial barriers that block others, but he has a criminal record. “We’ll find a way,” Tiffany assured him. “Even though it’s a really long shot,” she acknowledged. “Considering Ronald’s criminal history,” “I can’t just move to South Africa,” Tiffany expressed. “And not at least try to get him to the U.S.” Now, moving a continent away usually means that your marriage is going to fizzle out. Not every long-distance 90 Day Fiance couple has the infinite patience of Nicole and Azan, after all. But so far, it appears that things are still good between Tifany and Ronald. The pair have been gushing about each other on social media and still referring to each other as “family.” We’re so happy for them that they are able to make it work long distance. Not every couple could do the same! Tiffany’s plan may be to make sure that, with so much uncertainty under the current unspeakable administration, her second child is an American citizen. She may also be hoping — and betting — that she’ll be able to make a stronger case for Ronald’s visa with a spousal visa than a K-1 visa. Good for Tiffany for doing what’s best for her children, even when her heart tells her to stay with Ronald. We have all watcheda s 90 Day Fiance stars seemed to forget that being a parent is their most important responsibility. We’ve been rooting for these two for a long time. View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance The Other Way Spoilers: Do Tiffany and Ronald Make It?
As soon as the news broke that Jay Smith and Kayle O’Brien broke up , fans wondered if he might try to get back with Ashley. He had a much better life with her than she had with him. And the rumors sounded plausible after they showed up at the same event. Now, Ashley is telling 90 Day Fiance fans exactly what’s really going on, and why she and Jay were “together.” Over the weekend — around the same time as Jay’s split with his mistress-turned-girlfriend Kayla — Jay and Ashley appeared at the same venue. That’s odd for exes, especially bitter ones. In fact, it may have been a violation of Ashley’s protective order that is supposed to keep Jay at bay. “Was it weird being at the same event with Jay?” one of her devoted followers asked on Instagram. “It’s expected we both filmed the same show,” Ashley replied, expressing a cavalier attitude. Ashley continued: “I just do my thing and handle my business.” “Why are you and Jay acting like you didn’t hang out last night?” another, more confrontational and accusatory, follower asked. “Where did you see me to know how I’m ‘acting’ about last nights appearance,” Ashley clapped back. “I have not responded about what I did or didn’t do at the event,” she clarified. Ashley continued: “Please don’t state I’m acting some type of way.” “…stop creating stories in your head!” she concluded. That’s very good advice (unless you’re a writer). The venue in question, by the way, was an OK Magazine party. Honestly, the magazine should have known better than to invite both exes. Fine normally, not fine when there’s a domestic violence prevention order. Another guest was Bachelor in Paradise ‘s Christian Estrada, who is notably rumored to be dating Ashley. The most exciting guest of the night was probably Tyler Cameron — who did not have Gigi Hadid with him. (We don’t think that this means that their relationship is in trouble so much as that Gigi has no need to attend an OK Magazine party) We’re sure that it was a large enough crowd that Ashley and Jay could avoid rubbing elbows. Early this summer, Ashley went on a much-needed family vacation. After months of stress, it was the perfect getaway. Unfortunately, during her absence, Jay allegedly broke into her home — months after separation — and took things. Given what Ashley says is a documented history of abuse during their relationship, police advised her to get a PFA. On July 1, Ashley obtained that Protection From Abuse order from the court and Jay was barred from approaching her or discussing the order. Unfortunately, just one day later, he broke the PFA, publicly discussing the order. Police saw it on Instagram. Jay was at least wise enough to voluntarily surrender instead of forcing police to arrest him. Because he is not a legal resident, Jay was placed in ICE custody. He spent the majority of July behind bars and was miserable. (As abhorrent as ICE’s recent crimes against humanity may be, it’s not easy to sympathize with a dude who deliberately broke a restraining order) However, his boss at the tattoo shop wrote up a check and paid his bail once the court actually set bail for him. Jay was free. Honestly, after all of that, you would think that Jay would be more careful about the PFA order. Ashley probably could have made Jay’s life miserable this weekend, but clearly opted to do otherwise. Jay’s recent ex, Kayla, seems to think that Ashley is capricious and wants to lure Jay close to her so that she can call the police. Of course, she has that impression of Ashley because her knowledge of Jay’s ex-wife all comes through Jay. Consider the source, folks. View Slideshow: Ashley Martson: I’m Telling ALL of Jay Smith’s Dirty Secrets!
There has been no shortage of shockers on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Wa y . The show really brings the drama. Now, the Tell All special has been filmed, and spoilers are leaking from behind the scenes. There’s some inappropriate flirting and a brawl breaks out — and both incidents involve the same person. “Angela bullies Avery, calls Avery a bad Muslim, among other things,” a fan page called Frauded By TLC reports. Apparently, things escalated from there. “Angela attacks avery,” the report continues. That is scary. You know that Angela could be a real bruiser in a fight. And she’s not nearly as old as she looks. Fortunately, the report says that “Rebecca steps in to break it up.” “It becomes a huge brawl on stage,” the report concludes. We should keep in mind that Angela is no stranger to being on television. Not only is this not her first stint on 90 Day Fiance , but she appeared multiple tims on Maury alongside her daughter, Scottie. (Yes, the infamously awful daughter, convicted child-molester Scottie Deem ) So it may be that she’s brawling for the sake of the cameras, to keep herself interesting. After all, Pedro brawled with Chantel’s family, and now they’re all on their very own spinoff show. But she didn’t have to involve this much younger woman. There is another bit of drama related to Avery Mills. Once again, it is not her fault. According to multiple different reports, including Frauded By TLC, Avery received some unwanted attention from Aladin. That’s right — Laura’s Aladin. “During the weekend of taping the Tell All … Aladin was messaging Avery telling her she looked beautiful in her jihab,” the report reads. While it’s true, it’s not something that Aladin should have been saying, especially in a text. Wisely, she blocked the hunky castmate. Reports can claim anything because sources can claim anything — but we’re inclined to believe all of this. Part of that is because super-reliable 90 Day Fiance blogger John Yates reported the same thing. “I heard from a source and can confirm that Aladin was trying to get some jiggy jiggy,” Yates reported on Instagram. He clarified that it was “not from Laura, but from Avery during the weekend of The Other Way tell-all taping.” Aladin should probably stick to looking hot and not hit on his castmates, right? Speaking of castmates, there was only one non-American present for the Tell All taping. Darcey Silva’s new man, Tom Brooks, appeared on camera. Maybe he just had an easier time getting a visa. (Because, well, he’s white and has a white-sounding name and that is everything in our current political nightmare) But several fans have joked that it’s no surprise that Darcey’s new man is as much of a glutton for fame as she is. Our biggest hope for the Tell All is that, seeing Corey and Evelin happily together, some haters can get a grip and accept them as a couple. Between editing and racism, Evelin has entered the ranks of the most hated 90 Day Fiance stars of all time … without earning that title. People need to get a grip. Of course, the Tell All won’t air for some time, so maybe people’s attitudes will improve on their own before then. View Slideshow: 90 Day Fiance The Other Way Spoilers: Do Tiffany and Ronald Make It?
Bachelor in Paradise ? More like One Less Bachelor in Paradise After One of the Show’s Most Popular Suitors Stunned Fans by Walking Away Last Night. This revamped version of the ABC program’s title sums up the shocking turn of events that we just witnessed. Just a few days ago, John Paul Jones and Derek Peth squared off at Krystal Nielson and Chris Randone’s televised wedding, with The Betchlor podcast host recounting the conversation to Haley Ferguson on Monday night’s episode. It all came as a surprise to Haley — who had gone on a date with Jones after arriving in Paradise and then accepted his rose — that he had strong feelings Tayshia. I did not know that at all,” Haley told Derek, adding in an on-camera interview: “It’s so random this Tayshia thing… I don’t know anything about the fact that he was into Tayshia. I’m honestly pissed.” Haley therefore figured she would confront Jones after hearing secondhand about his relationship with Tayshia. She wanted verification. We did hit it off. We had so much fun on the date,” Jones told her. “I just can’t really do anything, I just hit it off with Tayshia first.” Haley replied with how she “felt really hurt,” as Jones eventually told Haley to “explore” her “options.” “I never wanted to be a backup plan,” she responded in very understandable fashion. From there, JPJ’s night only grew worse when Derek asked him to speak again in the hopes that he could “seek some understanding as to where all this started.” However, Jones continued to insist that Derek wasn’t the “right guy for Tayshia.” “You don’t get to decide that,” Peth shot back. “She gets to decide that, not you.” “She already decided that,” Jones retorted. Tayshia watched this all go down and was anything but pleased about it. “This is so unnecessary,” she said. “It’s exhausting and it’s very frustrating for me. I’ve been contemplating breaking it off with both of them because I’m done and I’m over it.” Haley could relate. She also felt exasperated with the show and the set-up and ready to give up on love altogether. Thankfully, the next day brought a pair of new arrivals: Matt Donald and Luke Stone from Hannah Brown‘s very recent season of The Bachelorette . However, both Matt and Luke ended up taking out Sydney Lotuaco and Kristina Schulman, respectively. With this double date underway, Tayshia went and talked to Jones once more. Watch Bachelor in Paradise Season 6 Episode 9 Online “I woke up this morning still feeling emotional and I could tell that you felt sort of distant this morning and so I just wanted you to know where I’m at, just how seriously I take this endeavor,” he said. “I just wanted to let you know that so you know where I stand and I just admire everything about you.” Tayshia appreciated the sentiment — but it didn’t change her thinking. “You guys fighting yesterday just really rubbed me the wrong way,” she said. Jones continued to break down, while Tayshia said in an on-camera chat that she still felt “torn” between the two men. That is, until she made another decision and broke things off with Derek. She explained that the timing was simply off and it had nothing to do with Jones, but Derek felt “self-loathing” and “sadness,” he said, believing there was no one else for him in Mexico besides Tayshia. “I just want to find somebody,” he told viewers. “Like, how many years do I have to wait for that to happen?” This was no act, either. Derek promptly called everyone together and dropped his bombshell: This is really hard to talk to a group of people who I’ve really grown so close to. I thank all of you guys for the friendships that I’ve built here, but unfortunately this time for me that’s all I’ve been able to build. I’m actually going to head out now. I love so many of you in so many ways. Thank you all. And with that…. Derek was gone. “I hate that I had so much power over his feelings,” Tayshia said in response to the development. Caelynn Miller-Keyes tried to comfort Tayshia by saying, “Better to go home now than to break off an engagement twice,” referring to Derek’s split from Taylor Nolan in 2018. Jones, for his part, handed Tayshia some tissues and merely said “sorry.” “Maybe Derek and I could’ve hit it off. I don’t know,” she said to wrap up the emotional episode. “I’m confused and I have no idea what I’m going to do next.” View Slideshow: Peter Weber as The Bachelor: A Nation Reacts!
How did you spend your Labor Day Weekend? Some vacationed. Some worked. Some binged television. Nicole Nafziger hung out with her adorable daughter, May. But the longtime 90 Day Fiance star also did something else. Nicole has seen weeks worth of rumors claiming that she has ditched Azan, as some fans have begged her to do for months or even years. She found a gentle way to affirm to fans that yes, she and Azan are still together. In fact, they've now been “together” for nearly four years. 1. Nicole shared a FaceTime screenshot She keeps some things about her private chats with Azan private — obviously. But Nicole also had a sweet message to share with her followers. 2. She gushes about how much she enjoys talking to him “I love nights like this,” Nicole writes in the caption of the snapshot she shared with fans. 3. They’re nearing a major anniversary “Soon it will be four years,” she points out. “And it’s crazy how much we’ve been through.” 4. She mentions the many rumors “Ups and downs, rumors, tears, fights, love, connection, faith, Love,” Nicole lists. “We’ve been through it all.” 5. Azan Tefou, Nicole Nafziger, and May 90 Day Fiance star Nicole Nafziger already has a young daughter, May, and has encouraged May to view fiance Azan Tefou as a potential new father. 6. They’ve only grown closer “All the time we are getting stronger as a couple,” she affirms. “And understanding more of each other.” View Slideshow
For years, 90 Day Fiance star Nicole Nafziger has endured being slammed by her own fans and second-guessed by her family. Now, she’s putting her foot down. After the latest postponement of her wedding to Azan, Nicole is going off on any and all fans who think they’re entitled to give her advice. This week, Nicole finally put her foot down in a lengthy and furious letter posted to Instagram. “Can y’all just get off my back?” Nicole wrote in her Instagram Stories. She’s been getting advice that she doesn’t want, and her patience is wearing thin. “I don’t want to hear any ‘well if you just’ or ‘if only you would’ …” she explained. Nicole was adamant: “I DO NOT want your advice.” “If you feel the need to message me about your concerns,” Nicole instructed. “DON’T.” She expressed: “I am soooooooo tired of y’all saying the SAME THING, over and over and over.” “You are the first who is trying to tell me how it is,” Nicole continued, possibly leaving out a word by accident (we all do it). She then goes off on a slight tangent to address an odd rumor that had been floating around. Was Nicole really running the Instagram account that has been attributed to Azan? “Also,” Nicole wrote. “I barely have enough time to keep up with my own account.” She continued: “I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT have time to make a fake account of the man I’m seeing.” She is a working single mom and a reality star. Azan may not use his Instagram often, but we see no reason to believe that he’s not the one running the account. Nicole still had more to say, however, and this time it was on a topic even more personal and sensitive than her fiance. “As much as you want to talk about me and my ‘mental health,'” Nicole wrote furiously. “I am not crazy!” she asserted. “And,” Nicole continued. “[I] don’t have time for this crap!” She then instructed her fans and critics alike to “GET A LIFE!!!!!” Just for the record, it is 100% normal for fans of a reality show to become invested in the lives and happiness of the stars. Humans are social animals. Anyone else ever catch themselves worrying about a stranger’s story they read on social media months before? I do. “Because I have one,” Nicole asserted, referring to the “life” that her followes need to get. “And,” she continued. “Y’all are the ones who literally need to MOVE ON.” She then reminds them that she’s not currently on 90 Day Fiance . “The season is over,” Nicole pointed out. She concluded her furious rant: “That is all.” There’s a fine line between concerned commenting and concern-trolling. Certainly, not all criticisms or pieces of “advice” thrown Nicole’s way have been in any way valid. But when people point out that they can easily send money out of Morocco despite Azan’s claims that Morocco doesn’t allow money to sent out, maybe she should listen. It’s probably no coincidence that Nicole is feeling defensive over her controversial, long-term relationship. For months this year, she said that she wanted to head out to Morocco before time for May to start school. Well, May starts school next week, meaning that her wedding plans have been delayed even further. Whatever we may think of Nicole’s relationship with Azan, we’ll say this: if she won’t listen to her own family, what makes her fans think that she’ll listen to strangers? That “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink” saying applies. Nicole has already been led to the water. That’s all that anyone can do. The rest is up to her. View Slideshow: Nicole Nafziger: DUMPED by Azan When She Ran Out of Cash?