Slick Willy says the gays have Chelsea to thank for his endorsement of marriage equality . Via Page Six reports : Bill Clinton was honored at the GLAAD Media Awards for his gay rights advocacy as well as his endorsement for same-sex marriage on Saturday. As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, the former President credits his daughter for changing his mind. The former President said during his acceptance speech that his daughter “has had a profound impact on the way I see the world. It’s sort of humbling when you get to be my age when your child knows more than you do about everything.” “Chelsea and her gay friends have modeled to me how we should all treat each other regardless of our sexual orientation or any other artificial difference that divides us,” said the honoree. “Many of them come and join us every Thanksgiving for a meal. I have grown very attached to them.” “And over the years, I was forced to confront the fact that people who oppose equal rights for gays in the marriage sphere are basically acting out of concern for their own identity, not out of respect for anyone else.” Clinton’s view on marriage equality changed substantially over the years. During his presidency, he signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which denies federal benefits to same-sex couples. “I want to keep working on this until not only is DOMA no longer the law of the land, but until all people — no matter where they live — can marry the people they love,” Clinton told the crowd. He has since called his approval of that law one of his biggest mistakes as President and has urged the Supreme Court to strike the law down. “You are the agents of change. I got this award tonight, because I was the object of your affection – or not, as the case may be,” he added. “My daughter led me to support the marriage equality law in New York when we were debating it, and to oppose North Carolina’s denial of marriage equality, and to do all these other things. So I want to thank her too. Thank you, GLAAD. Thank you, Chelsea.” “Whenever we turn away from treating someone with the dignity and honor and the respect that we would like accorded to ourselves, we have to face the fact it’s about us,” Clinton concluded. Where do you stand on marriage equality? How long do you think til everybody’s kids do like Chelsea and get their parents to “get with the times?” SplashNews
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Aren’t You GLAAD? Bill Clinton Credits Daughter Chelsea “And Her Gay Friends” For Changing His Mind About Marriage Equality
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