Aaron Paul Responds to Toys R Us Action Figure Removal: What About Barbie?!?

Aaron Paul has some very good points to make about BreakingBadActionFigureGate. Late last week, a Florida woman named Susan Schrivjer started a Change.org petition that called for Toys R Us to remove dolls from its shelves that depicted Paul’s character of Jesse Pinkman and Bryan Cranston’s character of Walter White. Because these Breaking Bad-inspired figures came with bags of meth and cash, Schrivjer wrote that such a “celebration of the drug trade [makes] this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters.” Florida Mom Slams Breaking Bad Action Figure In response, the chain removed the Breaking Bad dolls from its shelves. But Paul has now taken to Twitter in response and even used Schrivjer’s own example against her. “Wait, so @ToysRUs pulled all of the Breaking Bad figures from their shelves and still sells Barbie?” Paul wrote. “Hmmmm…I wonder what is more damaging? “And what about all of the violent video games you sell @ToysRUs ? Do you still sell those? Florida mom really messed it up for everyone.” VERY well played, Aaron Paul. As many have pointed out, the Breaking Bad figures were labeled as being for those over 15 years of age; no toddler… heck, no one unfamiliar with Breaking Bad already… is going to simply select one of these items off the shelves. But Barbie? That doll with unrealistic proportions that sets a terrible example for young women and their body image? The item bought by millions of parents across the country everyday? Where’s the outrage over that? Your move, Florida woman .

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Aaron Paul Responds to Toys R Us Action Figure Removal: What About Barbie?!?

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