Looks like Amber Portwood’s attacks on Gary Shirley will have consequences. The Teen Mom star has been charged with two felony counts and one misdemeanor for domestic violence and battery today. Under Indiana law, domestic abuse is a felony if a child is present for the abuse, as baby Leah was in both cases. One of the charges is based on footage never aired by MTV. The other: SLAPPED : Gary Shirley knows how that feels. Now Amber Portwood’s been hit as well – with criminal charges stemming from the couple’s recent squabbles . The incidents related to the charges happened June 14, July 18 and August 14 of this year. Documents say Amber choked, slapped, punched and kicked Gary. Detective Mitch Carroll says that if convicted, Amber Portwood faces up to three years in jail and fines of up to $10,000. Still, the troubled star is defiant. “I didn’t hit Gary in front of Leah so there’s no felony,” she told Hollywood Life . “There’s nothing against me. They can’t charge if they don’t have proof.” We’ll see about that, since she lost baby Leah as a result …
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Amber Portwood: Charged With Felony Battery!