Remember when Amy Duggar was the most likable of all the Duggars? She's always been so much more relatable than her other famous family members — since she wasn't raised like Josh, Jessa, Jill, and the rest of those 19 kids, she's always been a breath of fresh Duggar air. Or at least, that's how things used to be. Since Amy brought her husband, Dillon King, on Marriage Boot Camp to discuss their problems and share their deepest, darkest secrets , everything has changed in the worst way. Thankfully, we know now that the scary incident she shared in the trailer for the show, the one where a man picked her up by her throat and lifted her up to the ceiling, didn't have anything to do with her husband . But that doesn't mean there's never been any violence in their home. In this new clip from Marriage Boot Camp, Amy and Dillon discuss a pretty awful story about how he once picked up their kitten and dropped the poor animal on its jaw. He tries to play it off like an accident, but there's a reason cats are known for always landing on all fours — and that's because they do. Also in the clip, it's revealed that Amy punched Dillon after he did whatever he did to the cat. And Amy's excuse for punching her husband? “You had to be there.” Watch the questionable clip below:
Read more from the original source:
Amy Duggar: Does She Have a History of Animal and Domestic Abuse?!