As we reported earlier, Ben Affleck took Christine Ouzounian to Vegas in June and left his then-wife Jennifer Garner behind in the Bahamas to watch the couple’s three children. Some insiders claim that the irony of Ben taking the nanny on vacation and sticking his wife with the kids was too much for Jen and led to Ouzuounian getting fired . Now, sources close to Affleck are claiming that Christine actually joined him for professional reasons and Garner was totally cool with the whole thing. You might have a hard time reading the quotes below, as they’re sure to elicit involuntary eye-rolls: “Christine flew with Ben from the Bahamas to Vegas because she was helping him with his poker tournament for his charity,” says a source identified only as a “friend of Ben’s” It’s hard to imagine those words coming out of the mouth of someone who’s not being coached by Ben like one of the hostages in Argo. But believe it or not, it gets worse. Asked about those photos of Christine chillin’ in a private jet and wearing Tom Brady’s Super Bowl rings (Because that’s how most nannies roll, right?) the friend replied: “There were many other people on the plane, including other assistants and staff working for Ben who were helping with the event, and many of these also tried on Tom’s Super Bowl rings and took photos. “Ben and Tom Brady are good friends, and he is grateful that Tom agreed to attend his charity event.” Yes, Ben Affleck took his mistress on a jet with Tom freakin’ Brady . We’d start making cheater jokes, but we’d be here all day. “When they landed in Vegas, Christine helped out with the organization of the tournament, assisting clients and guests who attended,” the source continues. “She was not hiding, she was there to help out…There was no affair during his marriage to Jen nor since their separation,” Ben, dude – you know you’re not actually Batman, right? You really suck at this living a double life thing. Ouzounian couldn’t be reached for comment because she’s still living at the Hotel Bel-Air on Ben’s dime . Again, a totally normal thing to do for your one of your ex-employees, View Slideshow: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Photos: A Romantic Rewind
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Ben Affleck NEVER Slept With Christine Ouzounian, Claims Source Who Was Probably Paid By Ben Affleck