Ben Affleck Rocks MASSIVE New Back Tattoo! Check It Out!

It's been an odd year for Ben Affleck. Following a messy separation from Jennifer Garner , the Oscar-winning actor-director found himself at the center of a tabloid media firestorm. After months of rumors that Affleck and Garner were back together , the A-list couple appears to have finally moved on, or at lest Ben has… Some call it a midlife crisis; others say it's just a case of a newly single guy enjoying his freedom, but whatever the case, Ben has been living la vida YOLO all over Hollywood lately. Not only does it appear that Affleck is dating Sienna Miller , it also looks like he recently went under the needle for some seriously elaborate skin art. Yes, the Batfleck has back tatt and looks like he's not shy about showing it off. Insiders say the ink is new, and it has symbolic importance for Ben. Apparently, it's a massive Phoenix which represents…Ben rising from the ashes of his marriage? We're not exactly sure, but it's fitting in several different ways. After all, this is the guy who went on to direct a Best Picture winner after starring in Gigli, so he knows a thing or two about shaking the rubble off his wings. Of course, considering Ben is 43 and not 23, he'll probably take some flak for getting a HUGE tattoo to mark a transition in his life, but hey – the man has two gold guys on his mantel, and he's freakin' Batman. We're pretty sure that means he can do whatever he wants.

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Ben Affleck Rocks MASSIVE New Back Tattoo! Check It Out!

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