The reality series Below Deck shows a group of young people who work aboard yachts. Crew members, dubbed yachties live abroad on the luxurious vessels while making sure clients’ high demands are met, but while also getting to have their own fun in the sun as they visit some of the most beautiful places around the world. Former yachtie Caroline Bedol had quite the storyline on last season and if you saw the show then you already know we are in for a rocky ride. The drama for Caroline was never-ending as she was often bullied by chief stew Kate Chastain and second stew Josiah Carter. It eventually became so bad that Caroline decided to quit the show to remove herself from the toxic situation. The former third stew revealed to Radar Online that she started having suicidal thoughts from the time she quit until “halfway through the airing of the season.” She described how she felt when she finally returned home from her traumatizing experience, saying “I was fighting alone. Once I got back I was really depressed. I was struggling. I was saying, ‘every episode, I feel like I am dying.” Caroline revealed that she never heard from any of her castmates after her sudden departure. But she certainly had a lot to say about her former boss Kate, labeling her a “textbook psychopath.” She elaborated saying, “I don’t use the world [psychopath] flippantly. It’s a personality disorder. These people display patterns and that’s why we study them.” Despite the hard ship , Caroline says she actually had some positive experiences from being on the show. She said she discovered her confidence that she “did not have in the beginning” and she also is now valuing her health and putting herself first from now on. Yay! Caroline has made a strong presence on social media since her TV debut and has used it to connect with supportive people. “The positive that’s come from the show is something that I’ve never had before and that’s a platform to reach people,” she said. “I’ve received so many messages saying ‘I relate to you, I have depression,’ it’s humbling,” she shared. She also posted numerous Instagram live sessions over the past few weeks where she surprisingly shared that she is “homeless.” She posted a photo from a hotel she was staying at to Instagram with her emotional support dog Rico, assuring us that she is not too terribly alone. Caroline confirmed with Radar that she is technically homeless, but it’s not as bad as it may sound. “I’m not looking for a homeless shelter to stay in, but I am homeless in the sense that I am in between homes,” Caroline revealed. She says that she’s not bothered when people refer to her as “homeless,” before further understanding her situation. “I’m not sure where I’m going to be landing geographically,” she says. “You get motels or hotels when you can, you sleep in your car if it’s warm.” Hm, I bet she is missing the yacht life right about now? To make matters worse, she is also currently struggling financially as she admits she is in a boat load of debt. “In an effort to get my mother secure, I went into credit card debt,” she tweeted on Wednesday. “Two credit card companies are suing me, but I’ve [got] a very Jewish attorney handling it (Suck it, @radar_online),” she added. In case you missed her Twitter meltdown, a user who was following Caroline expressed concerns to Bravo, which reportedly led to the police visiting Caroline for a welfare check . The former reality star was not happy about the stranger’s call and said on Twitter that “the welfare check was not valid” and that “it’s not correct to call the cops on a stranger who you deem suicidal.” After her very personal article was published, Caroline replied with an almost compliment. “Well done Radar ,” she naturally tweeted. “Still not impressed but it doesn’t suck like everything else you do,” adding a kissing emoji. We, however, heard her saying, “walk the plank!” (Obviously in a pirates voice.) View Slideshow: 13 Celebrities Who Have Filed for Bankruptcy
Original post:
Caroline Bedol Is Homeless After Quitting Below Deck!