Catelynn Lowell: SLAMMED By Fans For "Selfish" and "Unsafe" Behavior

Catelynn Lowell has endured a number of hardships and setbacks in recent years, and the honesty with which she's addressed these struggles has made her a favorite amongst Teen Mom OG viewers. But the show documents every part of its stars' lives, so perhaps it was only a matter of time before fans began to see aspects of Catelynn's character that they didn't find quite so endearing. Many feel that the current season of Teen Mom OG has portrayed Catelynn in an unflattering light. Some have even accused of her endangering her unborn baby. Here's what viewers have to say about the new and not-so-improved Catelynn Lowell:   1. Better Days For years, Lowell was regarded as one of the most down-to-earth and relatable stars of the Teen Mom franchise. 2. Hard Times Fans rooted for her as she endured mental health issues, a tragic miscarriage, and other hardships that put her marriage and her psyche to the test. 3. The Baltierra Bond Catelynn and Tyler have endured difficulties that would have driven any young couple to the brink of divorce, but they’ve stuck by one another throughout. Or have they? 4. An Uneven Partnership Part of the reason Catelynn is receiving so much blowback this season is that viewers believe she’s failing to properly support Tyler the way he’s supported her in the past. 5. The Low Point In the past, Tyler happily assumed the majority of the parental responsibilities while Catelynn checked in for extended stays at in-patient treatment facilities on two separate occasions. 6. Failing Her Family? Now, some fans feel that Catelynn is not only neglecting her husband’s needs as he attends to his own mental health issues, she’s also failing to keep up with her own treatment. View Slideshow

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Catelynn Lowell: SLAMMED By Fans For "Selfish" and "Unsafe" Behavior

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