Judging by the show’s soaring ratings, it’s safe to say Teen Mom 2 has more fans than ever before. But over the past couple seasons, the show has undergone an abrupt shift in tone that’s sent some once-loyal viewers running for the hills. And believe it or not, it seems Chelsea Houska counts herself among those who wish the series would return to its roots. Chelsea has seen her role on TM2 get slowly whittled down over the past year, as her personal life has become more stable in inverse proportion to those of her castmates. Jenelle Evans is brandishing weapons and threatening people’s lives. Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus are feuding non-stop. Leah Messer is hooking up with Jeremy Calvert and openly discussing the possibility of giving their marriage another shot. Meanwhile, Chelsea is happily married and enjoying the quiet contentment of a stable domestic life. And some fans think she’s being punished for it. Yes, even the fact that Chelsea is pregnant with her third child isn’t enough to score her some screen time, and viewers are starting to take notice. “If I don’t see more of @ChelseaHouska next episode….. I’m going on strike,” one fan tweeted after last night’s episode. “I’m almost positive that I’m barely in the next one too lol didn’t you know teen mom 2 isn’t actually even about being a mom anymore?!” Chelsea replied. Fans loved her candor, and a few jumped in to throw shade at the show’s new direction. “I was just thinking that,” one follower replied. “What is happening to the show, it’s all about drama now. I miss it being about the moms story and kids.” “Same!!” an enthusiastic Chelsea replied. Obviously, Chelsea’s never been one to seek out drama, but she’s also not one to shy away from conflict. At the end of the day, we’re sure she understands that the focus on social media drama and high-profile feuds is a natural consequence of the show’s success and the subsequent increase in the main moms’ fame. And we’re sure she’s not all that heartbroken about not appearing on camera quite as much, especially as it doesn’t look like there will be any difference in her paychecks. But it’s also important to bear in mind that this show also represents Mrs. Houska-DeBoer’s life’s work, and she clearly takes pride in the version of herself that she presents to the world. So listen to the people MTV – less drama, more DeBoers! Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of why Chelsea is so beloved by fans. View Slideshow: Chelsea Houska: Pregnant With Third Child!! It’s a …
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Chelsea Houska Blasts Teen Mom 2: It’s Not About Being a Mom Anymore!