Chris Brown has been charged with criminal hit-and-run, according to reports. The L.A. City Attorney has filed two criminal charges against the singer. The charges stem from a minor accident last month in which Chris rear-ended a Benz and allegedly provided false or inadequate info to the owner. Brown, officials believe, refused to give his driver’s license number and gave false insurance information to the other driver in the accident. He has also been charged with the crime of driving without a valid license; the offenses are punishable by a maximum of six months in jail for each. The charges of hit-and-run – for leaving the scene without exchanging proper information – did not sit well with Brown, who just responded on Twitter: “It’s not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars). This is really ridiculous,” wrote the befuddled star. Brown, who also faced false accusations that he assaulted a girl at a club this week, has changed his profile picture to the girl’s car he allegedly hit. What do you think? Do you believe his side? In the case of the woman who accused him of shoving her at the club, this appears to be what happened. That Chris Brown accuser turned out to be full of it, but it will be up to his lawyer to fight this one. It looks like officials are fully pursuing the hit-and-run case. If a judge in concludes that Chris broke the law and thus violated his probation (for beating up Rihanna), he could be sentenced to prison for up to four years. A day in the life …
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Chris Brown Charged With Criminal Hit-and-Run, Calls Case "Ridiculous"