He hasn’t given an interview or done much press in awhile, but Robert Pattinson is at the center of two new rumors. The first is clearly ridiculous: sorry, Gossip Girl fans, but the Twilight Saga star did NOT hook up with Leighton Meester . As for talk that Pattinson was Courtney Love’s first choice to play Kurt Cobain in a movie about the late rocker, the former Hole singer has halted this casting possibility in its track. “Isn’t that so stupid, who would cast him? That’s just wrong, no offense [to Pattinson],” Love told The Canadian Press. “I watched the Twilight stuff very, very recently and I get it, it resonates with the teenage girl in me, I understand epic love of that nature; I write about it all the time. But isn’t that silly?” Love added that she’ll never watch any biopic about Cobain because it would be too painful, but she did list a couple actors she could see in the role: James McAvoy and