It’s been a tough couple weeks for little girls around the country. First, they learned that Hello Kitty is not actually a kitty. Some took this news VERY hard . Then, they tried to steal lipstick out of their mother’s bedroom, only to be caught red-handed… well, red-lipped, to be more specific. Watch as this adorable toddler initially denies the crime to her dad, only the child’s guilt to be written all over her face. Literally. Little Girl Denies Lipstick Swiping, Is Wearing Lipstick Fortunately, the girl does eventually come clean (while remaining dirty) and we’d like to imagine she and her father then shook it all off together . Kids are the best, aren’t they? They crack us up. 20 Awesomely Hilarious Kid Spelling Mistakes 1. She loves her what?!? The sentiment is very nice. And, hey, maybe the adjective is accurate. Who are we to judge?
The rest is here:
Daughter Denies Stealing Mother’s Lipstick… While Wearing Lipstick