Farrah Abraham is … well, she's just a lot. And sure, they may not be very descriptive, but you know exactly what we mean. It's been two years since she left Teen Mom OG, and since then, things have definitely taken a turn, which is impressive since it's not like she was the most stable human when she was still on the show. But now that she no longer has the steady MTV gig, she's doing all sorts of wild and crazy stuff for money. Like this new thing where she's pretty much just asking dudes to pay her $5,000 for an evening with her … 1. Such a History There have been rumors about Farrah being an escort for a good long while now — years, really. 2. A Stroll Down Memory Lane We’re not sure exactly when and how they started, but it probably had something to do with the career move she made in releasing a sex tape. After that, she started doing all sorts of things in the adult entertainment industry — she did some work as a stripper, released sex toys, etc. 3. Cam Girl For the past few years, she’s done less of that sort of stuff and focused her efforts more on being a cam girl — it’s even part of the reason why she left Teen Mom OG. 4. Makes Sense So really, going from all that to being an escort is a pretty natural progression, right? 5. Hmm … Think about it — she travels constantly, she flies first class and stays in expensive resorts all around the world, but how? She doesn’t have MTV money coming in anymore, all her businesses have failed, and she owes a few people money for a few different lawsuits. How can she afford all that she does? 6. Well … Prostitution, that’s how. That’s the theory, anyway. View Slideshow
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Farrah Abraham Shares More Details on Prostitution: Sophia Knows?!