Looks like Amber Portwood, Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham aren’t the only Teen Mom alumni who know how to stir up controversy via Twitter. Portwood‘s baby daddy, Gary Shirley, let loose on the social media site with a series of angry tweets about his ex – Kristina, not Amber, fortunately. “Give a girl a promise ring after 9 months of dating, find out she’s in a relationship w someone else after she said she broke up with them f–k!” he wrote. “Lol the sad thing is I believed everything she said haha d–n! Told her she should act!” Shirley revealed that his daughter with Amber Portwood , Leah, “really liked her that’s what tears me apart! [sic] I’m single and hopefully I find a girl in the future.” “Not right now, but I’ll give a year …” For anyone hoping for a reunion between Gary and Portwood, who was recently released from prison, he insisted, “(not amber) that ship sailed!” Even a year won’t change that. The Teen Mom dad later deleted the tweets about Kristina and most other mentions of his girlfriend on his Twitter timeline. Why the second thoughts? Shirley tells Radar , “You know how it is, you gotta be careful about what you say about people,” declining to speak on the split further … for now. There’s always next week.
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Gary Shirley RIPS Ex-Girlfriend (Not Amber Portwood This Time) on Twitter