Hotel surveys. No one wants to fill them out, but few people dislike them as much as this customer, who was caught off guard when one was sent to his home. Caught with his pants down, you might say … so to speak: A Reddit user claimed that his friend works at a hotel and received this survey from an unhappy guest … although at least the accommodations got mostly 6/7s. The checkout process could’ve been more timely, however. If this is a joke on the hotel visitor’s part, then very well played. If not, then you have to give him credit for honesty … and wonder what his wife’s comments were. Think he’s as honest with her as he was with the hotel? No word on how the “service” he received in the actual room was worth the price, either. We’d love to see some of the boxes checked off in that survey.
More here:
Hotel Survey (Almost?) Outs Cheating Husband; Response Wins Reddit