Internet Hero Goes Undercover, Spies on BFF’s Date

Move over,  Taylor Swift . We've found the best friend any girl in the history of the world has ever had. Her name is Georgia and good pal Presleigh Dawsy has turned her into a viral hero by pictures of Georgia going undercover during Dawsy's date to ensure everything went smoothly. And we're not kidding. We mean UNDERCOVER . As you're about to find out, Georgia followed Presleigh to a restaurant… sat afar while wearing sunglasses… donned a fake mustache and a black, hooded sweatershirt …and kept a close eye on her pal across the eatery. How did Dawsy even learn Georgia was there? What did the latter discover during her investigation? Find out below! 1. Friend Goals We all have them, right? But this story tells the tale of how one young woman achieved them through awe-inspiring, heroic action. 2. Totally. Amazing. “When your best friend wants to make sure your first date goes well,” wrote Dawsy as a caption to this photo, causing it to go viral. 3. A Closer Look Yes, this really is how Georgia dressed for her mission. 4. A Second Closer Look V may be for Vendetta, but A is for Awesome when it comes to this young woman. 5. WTF?!? Dawsy was confused and a bit scared when she got a text from Georgia. But then it all made impressive sense. 6. Twitter Reacts! In a positive manner to this story, which doesn’t happen often on there. View Slideshow

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Internet Hero Goes Undercover, Spies on BFF’s Date

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