In a truly startling turn of events, a member of Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise has admitted to going under the knife. Jacqueline Laurita made the admission last night on Watch What Happens Live , using the interview to discuss her tummy tuck and neck lift and hype the services of Dr. Brent Moelleken. “When workouts and diets fail to put your body back in order after three kids, is there anything wrong with having a Dr. Brent put you back together again?” she asked on Twitter earlier this year. “I honestly think it’s beautiful when people grow old gracefully. I have no idea why I choose not to. I’ll fight gravity with a laser like Luke Skywalker.” Laurita also has breast implants and has undergone Botox on at least one occasion. You can catch back up with her and her irritating castmates when The Real Housewives of New Jersey returns Sunday, June 2 at 8 p.m. EST on Bravo.
Original post:
Jacqueline Laurita Admits to Plastic Surgery