Look, Jenelle Evans isn't some world-class thinker, OK? And that's perfectly fine. Most of us aren't. But still, after all she's been through, you'd think she'd learn something. Anything . Unfortunately, it seems like that's never happened, and so we have situations like this one where Jenelle exposes her own questionable parenting and opens the door for tons of well-earned criticism. So what did she do this time? 1. Where to Begin? Jenelle, she … well, she’s made a lot of bad choices. 2. Our Girl It’s interesting though, because she makes such a wide variety of them. 3. Memories Remember when she was with Kieffer, and she stole her mom’s credit card and did heroin on national television? 4. Hey, Bud! Or when she thought it was a good idea to get pregnant so soon with Nathan Griffith that when her test was positive, she wasn’t sure if she was really pregnant or if it was just “leftovers” from the abortion she’d recently had after divorcing Courtland Rogers? 5. Ugh Or when she chose to marry David Eason, and every single second she’s spent with him since? 6. Fact Those are all good examples of some life-alteringly terrible choices she’s made. View Slideshow
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Jenelle Evans: See Her Latest, Potentially ILLEGAL Parenting Fail!