Jenelle Evans and Amber Portwood have a lot in common. They are both members of Teen Mom Nation… they both have multiple children… and they've both run afoul of the law on multiple occasions. The latest (SERIOUS!) transgression took place early on the morning of July 5, when Portwood got arrested for felony domestic assault . The victim? Andrew Glennon, Amber's long-term boyfriend and the father of her one-year old son. According to a 911 dispatch call, Glennon feared for his toddler's life . Like we said: SERIOUS stuff. So, how did Evans reacts to this Portwood news? In typical Evans fashion. Scroll down to see what we mean… 1. Let’s Start with What Happened Around 3 a.m. on July 5, Glennon texted 911 (this is permitted in the state of Indiana) and said that Amber attacked him while he was holding little James. 2. YIKES A spokesperson for the Indiana Police Department spoke to Radar Online and confirmed what led to Portwood’s arrest, telling the celebrity gossip website: “I received a text message from somebody saying that their life and their son’s life is in danger. During which time the female, later identified as Amber Portwood, assaulted him, while he was holding their 1-year-old child.” 3. Now What? Portwood was taken into custody on a FELONY charge of domestic violence. She is due in court for a hearing on July 8. 4. There’s a History Here A pretty major one: Amber was arrested back on 2010 for also attacking then-boyfriend Gary Shirley. 5. She Went to Jail for the Act After violating terms of her probation by taking drugs, Portwood spent 17 months in prison, starting in early 2013. 6. But Gary is Here for Her Now In a way. This is what he wrote in Twitter in the wake of Amber’s arrest. View Slideshow
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Jenelle Evans Taunts Amber Portwood in Wake of Troubling Arrest