Jennifer Lopez celebrated her birthday yesterday. She turned 48, though you absolutely wouldn’t know it from looking at her. Her boyfriend, Alexander Rodriguez, took to Instagram to post a beautiful and affectionate tribute to her in honor of her birthday. But that wasn’t all. We now have some new hot, revealing J Lo photos , because the world can never have enough. Her birthday outfit was just shy of being her birthday suit . She. Looks. Amazing . You might be thinking that it’s “easy” to look gorgeous when your outfit is as revealing as this one. And, to be sure, this outfit looks like she’d spend her evening constantly perched on the verge of a major nip-slip. (Though we’re sure that she’s using some double-sided tape) But the fact that it’s so revealing is part of what makes it so impressive. Because not everybody can pull off an outfit like that when they’re 20, let alone 48 . Wearing it is a power move, but Jennifer Lopez has the body — and abs — to pull it off. Wearing it out to celebrate is even more of a power move, honestly, because plenty of people would worry that establishments would turn them away if they show up wearing … almost nothing. That can’t be a major worry for J Lo. (A friend of mine once had to nervously remind her that children weren’t allowed in a particular part of the hotel, but it’s hard to picture her being asked to change clothes for the sake of some restaurant) Remember J Lo’s infamous dress from … nearly 20 years ago? To think that, at the time, people looked and wondered how she kept it up. (Definitely with double-sided tape, folks — that’s always the answer) This outfit puts that dress to shame. Alex Rodriguez posted a birthday tribute to the singer on his own Instagram page. “Wishing a happy birthday to this amazing human being who lights up my world every day. Te amo muneca!!” That is so sweet. Of course, we already knew that these two were crazy about each other — almost obnoxiously so (remember their baecation ?). But that doesn’t make birthday messages any less precious. For those of you who took Spanish too long ago to remember (or took a different language and really don’t know), that last bit of A-Rod’s message means: “I love you, doll.” Cute, right? He also included “#Leo,” because goofy astrology stuff isn’t just for your Twitter mutuals. Celebrities do it, too. Seriously, though, look at her again. That outfit is almost unrealistic in its excellence. Like the kind of thing that a video game designer would (deservedly) get hell for after making it the default outfit of a female character. By J Lo rocks it in real life like that’s what everybody wears. Amazing. For what it’s worth, A-Rod looks pretty great in his cobalt suit. Just, you know, all eyes are understandably on Jennifer Lopez. Sometimes it’s easy to give Jennifer Lopez a hard time, but her birthday week’s a good time to remember that we really do believe that she’s a good person. In fact, recently her post about her sister’s child, Brendan, gained positive notice because J Lo respected her nibling’s they/them pronouns. You’d think that respecting a person’s basic pronouns, gender, and identity would be the bare minimum of what you’d expect even between strangers, let alone between family and loved ones. In today’s toxic political climate, that isn’t always the case. And sometimes celebrities have nasty surprises for you — Drake Bell, back when Caitlyn Jenner came out as trans, revealed himself to be a huge transphobe and tried to “honor” her athletic accomplishments. Never have I clicked “unfollow” so quickly. (Hate Caitlyn all that you like, but not because she’s trans, and don’t misgender her or use her deadname) Clearly, J Lo is a good and loving aunt in a world that needs more like her. And she must make one hell of a girlfriend, because A-Rod is glued to her side. It looks like she’s crazy about him, too. Even though she’s reluctant to make him her fourth ex-husband . We get that.
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Jennifer Lopez: Looking Hot, Celebrating Her Birthday with Alex Rodriguez!