Jessica Simpson has a very special reason to be singing a very happy tune right about now: The large-breasted artist is expecting her third child! Simpson herself confirmed this exciting and unexpected news on Tuesday morning via a couple of unique and revealing Instagram photos. They featured her two kids – Ace Knute, 5, and Maxwell “Maxi” Drew, 6 – along with a bunch of balloons that helped break this special story… and which revealed the impending baby’s gender. First, there was this picture, which included the simple caption of “SURPRISE.” Then, there was the following picture and the affiliated caption, the latter of which reads as follows: This little baby girl will make us a family of five. We couldn’t be happier to announce this precious blessing of life. How great for Eric, Jessica and their two toddlers, right?!? Back in April, Simpson opened up to Entertainment Tonight in April about her marriage of four years and the couple’s children, admitting at the time she had “baby fever.” However, she also admitted that having another one “would definitely have to be a bit of a miracle” and quipping: “We always practice.” It’s unclear why Simpson made the “miracle” reference; we don’t know if she was referring to any sort of medical condition or just her age, as 38 is a tad old to be getting pregnant. But it’s certainly not unheard of for a 38-year old to be expecting, something Simpson herself can now happily attest to. Meanwhile, for whatever reason, Simpson has often been the victim of some serious online mom-shaming. The very last time we wrote about her, for instance, she was receiving flak for playing around in the water with her injured son . Prior to that, total strangers were aghast that Simpson let her five-year old wear makeup . There was also the time these same trolls called Jessica out for dressing her daughter as a mermaid . So we’re very glad to see that Simpson and Johnson did not let the haters win. Quite the opposite, in fact. They’re here to now tell those haters to basically suck it because they are about to bring another child into the world and they don’t care what anyone has to say about it. Elsewhere, we don’t know exactly when Simpson is due, but she must be somewhat far along if she already knows the gender of the baby. An utrasound revealing this information is typically done at 20 weeks, but an older mother (and 38 does qualify as older, in this context) can have certain blood tests done that will also reveal the sex closer to 12 or even 10 weeks. We’re sure Simpson will keep us well apprised of her pregnancy progress over the coming days, weeks and months. For now, allow us to simply say the following: CONGRATULATIONS!
Jessica Simpson: Pregnant with Baby #3! (And We Know the Gender)