Tiger Woods mistress Joslyn James claims she was discriminated against by the Charlotte, N.C., Ritz Carlton, which abruptly canceled her reservation on Friday. James was going to be in Charlotte as part of her Tiger striptease tour , in which she hilariously books gigs in cities were Woods is hitting the links that weekend. Too bad the Ritz put the kibosh on her Charlotte trip. Joslyn James was going to be in Charlotte for a three-day stay ending yesterday. She booked the hotel to stay at after performing at a local strip establishment. Imagine James’ dismay, then, when she landed in Charlotte “after a long and tiring journey from Los Angeles,” only to learn the Ritz had nixed her reservation. Poor Joslyn James. Does the Ritz have no compassion? The hotel says it did so because of she was a high-profile guest and would attract too much media … but the real reason, posits her lawyer Gloria Allred, is: Tiger Woods may have been staying at the same hotel. And, Gloria complains , if Tiger was staying there, “…we are appalled to think [they] might have chosen to accommodate a rich, famous golfer who has admitted lying to his wife … over a woman whose heart he has broken …” LOL . A low-rate porn star, cut-rate stripper adulteress just can’t get a break. NOTE: Tiger missed the cut after a rough start and skipped town early too.
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Joslyn James Accuses Hotel of Discrimination