Tag Archives: gloria-allred

2 Baltimore Women Accuse R.Kelly of Sexual Assault

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Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! Source: Monica Schipper / Getty NEW YORK (AP) — Two Baltimore women have accused R.Kelly of sexual assault. At a press conference in New York Thursday, The women, Latresa Scaff and Rochelle Washington, joined lawyer Gloria Allred, said the singer R. picked them out of a crowd at a Baltimore after-party in the mid-1990s when they were underage and had sex with one of the teens although she was under the influence of marijuana and alcohol and could not consent. Related:  Judge Orders R. Kelly Not To Work In His Studio After Hours Their accusations come six weeks after a Lifetime documentary series, “Surviving R. Kelly,” took another look at old sexual misconduct allegations against the R&B star. Scaff said she was 16 and Washington was 15 when the pair attended a concert and after-party featuring Kelly and LL Cool J in Baltimore. Scaff said Kelly singled the girls out at the after-party, had a member of his entourage ply them with drugs and alcohol and told them to meet him at his hotel suite. Source: Scott Legato / Getty “We both went to the hotel, thinking there was going to be another party there,” Scaff said. Scaff said the two girls were in Kelly’s hotel room when Kelly entered with his penis already outside of his jeans. She said he wanted a threesome with the two teens but Washington said no and escaped to the bathroom. Related:  Your Jail Cell’s Calling: Alleged Third Tape Of R. Kelly Have Sex With Underage Girl Surfaces With Washington in the bathroom, Kelly asked Scaff for oral sex and then had intercourse with her although she was under the influence of marijuana and alcohol and “did not have the capacity to consent,” she said. “When I first met R. Kelly that night, I was very happy and excited because I was young and starstruck,” Scaff said. “However now that I am an adult, I feel hurt by what he did to me when I was only 16 years old and under the influence of alcohol and marijuana which had been provided to me at his after-party.” Washington said that now she’s a mother, she feels she was taken advantage of by Kelly. “I just want justice for anyone that was hurt or violated,” she said. “I want victims to know it’s not their fault.” Read More: Associated Press [ione_media_gallery src=”https://92q.com” id=”4069789″ overlay=”true”]

2 Baltimore Women Accuse R.Kelly of Sexual Assault

Ex-Friend Files: 50 Cent Pettily Posts Floyd Mayweather’s Texts After He Does THIS With Teairra Mari

Denise Truscello/WireImage #GetTheStrap… 50 Cent Blasts Floyd Mayweather Over Tearri Mari Party 50 Cent is none too pleased with his boxing bestie and it all centers around Teairra Mari. On Saturday 50 called out Floyd Mayweather  on Instagram for working with Teairra and having her host a Memorial Day party at his Girls Collection strip club. The move clearly pissed off 50 considering that Teairra’s suing him for sharing part of her freaky flick. “Somebody please tell me why Floyd would be doing this right now,” said 50. 50 then pettily posted texts between him and Floyd showing the champ accusing him of hanging with a “snitch” and being disloyal for being cool with his ex Miss Jackson. Miss Jackson is suing Floyd in a Gloria Allred backed domestic abuse lawsuit and Floyd’s suing Miss Jackson for allegedly stealing thousands from him. Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images According to 50 however, he’s not in the wrong and he technically HAS to be cordial with Miss Jackson considering that she’s still friends with his baby’s mother Daphne Joy. This…is…so…petty. What do YOU think about 50 and Floyd’s beef? It is kinda shady to use the woman suing your “friend” to host a party.

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Ex-Friend Files: 50 Cent Pettily Posts Floyd Mayweather’s Texts After He Does THIS With Teairra Mari

Tyga Texts a 14 Year Old Relentlessly of the Day

Here’s a 14 year old girl named Molly O’Malia..who got hustled by TYGA, he’s some child molesting rapper who was fucking Kylie Jenner at her Parent’s request because it was good for business, since he has a high reach to the young market, which is what they were strategically trying to monetize and maximize, and whoring out the kids like a madame is pretty much what they do. Either way, he’s hustling girls on some app called The Secret, which is creepy in and of itself, it’s probably an app that targets high school 15 year old kids because their parents aren’t on it and they can publicly say anonymous shit….and that means it is probably an app where all the pedophile, tween fuckers go to jerk off to tween sex fantasies and experiences that tweens privately post… It’s the Yahoo! Answers of our generation…. Either way, all these kids be fucking, and invincible, fearless, looking for a rush, older dudes are pushing their limits… Throw this motherfucker in prison, he’s a predator, using his celebrity to fuck kids. I’ve been saying it all along….press fucking charges… Unless this is a lie, and Gloria Allred just saw her window to get her name and her “music” out there. Since every motherfucker wants to be famous… Ridiculous…but here’s her music…because everyone wants to be famous….and she wants you to hear it… Maybe 12 year olds need to stop dressing and acting like thirsty 20 year old sugar babies….trying to get a baby daddy…unless their birthdays are tattooed on their arms…it’s misleading… Her now private INSTAGRAM profile pics look like a 40 year old… Where the fuck are her parents…probably helping her take her fucking pics, holding the camera, doing the make-up….calling for meetings…and in 4 years…putting them in porn….disgusting people. The post Tyga Texts a 14 Year Old Relentlessly of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tyga Texts a 14 Year Old Relentlessly of the Day

Rob Kardashian: Putting Life in Danger By Ignoring Diabetes Diagnosis, Source Says

Last week, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized after complaining about various ailments that caused concern amongst his family and friends.  Upon being admitted, Rob was diagnosed with diabetes, and sources close to the situation say that he could’ve lapsed into a coma if he hadn’t received the proper treatment.  His loved ones hoped the health scare would serve as a wake-up call for Rob , but now the 28-year-old is reportedly ignoring his doctor’s warnings and carrying on with his reckless lifestyle. “[Rob] continues to drink Red Bulls which are loaded with sugar,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online . “He’s eating junk food too. The insider says Rob is in denial about the severity of his problems, which is particularly frustrating for his inner circle, as he could potentially reverse the damage he’s done to his body with a few simple lifestyle changes. “The diabetes diagnosis should have been a wake-up call for Rob, but he is in absolute denial about it,” the source says. “He refuses to monitor his blood sugar daily as doctors have told him to do. Even more frustrating is that Rob’s diabetes would likely go away if he began working out and eating healthy! “There is nothing the family can do to help Rob because he is shutting everyone out. With all of the resources available to him, including nutritionists, chefs, and trainers, this is completely manageable but Rob isn’t willing to make any effort.” The insider adds that while Rob could recover if he were to take immediate action, his situation is currently dire – and it looks as though it will only get worse. “His pancreas is basically not functioning,” the source says. “He also has kidney problems. He’s very, very sick.” 

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Rob Kardashian: Putting Life in Danger By Ignoring Diabetes Diagnosis, Source Says

Tyga: 14-Year-Old Girl Says Rapper Stalked, Harassed Her Via Social Media

Last month, OK ! magazine reported that Kylie Jenner's boyfriend,  Tyga, is “in love with” a 14-year-old girl , whom he had been repeatedly text messaging behind Kylie's back. The story was ignored by most mainstream publications, due to both its seemingly preposterous nature, and OK!'s less than stellar reputation with regard to factual accuracy. Now, however, a lawsuit against the tabloid's publishers may expose Tyga as a sexual predator with a penchant for much younger girls. Moments ago, 14-year-old Molly O'Malia came forward as the teen at the center of the OK! story. She's being represented by famed attorney Gloria Allred in a lawsuit against the mag, claiming that editors failed to sufficiently pixelate her photo, and that she was harassed by Kylie fans who easily determined her identity. But while O'Malia's legal beef is with OK!, it may be Tyga who has the most to lose in this case, as the young model made some truly shocking allegations against the 26-year-old rapper at a press conference held moments ago in New York. “The truth is that Tyga contacted me first,” Molly told the assembled crowd of reporters. “He direct messaged me on Instagram. I knew he was, but I was surprised that he was contacting me. “I began to feel uncomfortable when he asked me to FaceTime with him. He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn't do it. “Because of my discomfort, I stopped responding…I'm speaking out today because I don't want what happened to me to happen to any other young girl.” Tyga, of course, previously came under scrutiny when he began dating Kylie when she was just 17 years old . Watch the clip below for more from O'Malia's stunning press conference. 

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Tyga: 14-Year-Old Girl Says Rapper Stalked, Harassed Her Via Social Media

Bet You Didn’t Know: Secrets Behind the Making of “Breaking Bad”

Any other huge fans of the show who miss it already?

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Bet You Didn’t Know: Secrets Behind the Making of “Breaking Bad”

These Hoes Ain’t Loyal: Donald Sterling’s Former Mistress Sues Him For Racist, Sexual Comments

Everyone he’s smashed on the side has a story to sell tell… Sterling’s Ex-Mistress Steps Up With Lawsuit We should have known the floodgates would open and unleash a tsunami of THOT-tales once V. Stiviano secured her come up out of this Donald Sterling scandal. Well sure enough…a second non-white mistress and former employee has popped out of the woodwork alleging that Donald Sterling is a verbally abusive bigot who tried to white-wash her, berate her biracial children, and use her for sexual excitement when he was bored with “ Stiviano’s V ” …and she wants a little dough for her trouble. She didn’t seem to have much of an issue with it while she was still on the payroll though… Via TMZ : A former employee of Donald Sterling claims the Clippers owner fired her after she rejected “a stream of racist and sexist taunts.” — this according to a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports. Maiko Maya King claims in her new lawsuit — she was in a romantic relationship with Sterling between 2005 and 2011. King claims during their relationship Sterling made comments about her former African-American husband, asking her “How could you be married to a black man?” King says she had kids with her ex and Sterling asked, “Why would you bring black people into the world?” King goes on, saying Sterling told her, “I want to take you out of the black world and put you into the white world.” And she says, when they would fight he would tell her, “move back to the ghetto with a black man.” King — who is repped by Gloria Allred — claims 2 years after they broke up she began working for Sterling as his personal assistant and caretaker … which is weird because this overlaps into the V. Stiviano relationship. King claims during her employment Sterling said he was bored sexually with V and offered King bonuses if she could help him sexually. She says he insisted she tell him stories about past sexual conquests in order to arouse him. She also claims he said things like, “Black people do not take care of their children. All they do is sit at home and smoke dope.” And she claims he said, “Mexicans just do drive-by shootings.” There are lots of other details and allegations. She says when she complained he fired her. How many more random chicks are out here bouncing on Donald Sterling’s old wrinkled racist balls and letting him talk to them crazy, just to get a quick buck??? GROSS. Facebook

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These Hoes Ain’t Loyal: Donald Sterling’s Former Mistress Sues Him For Racist, Sexual Comments

Lawsuits: Photog Wants Yeezus To Face Trial In Civil Case Over LAX Attack

Kanye may not have to do jail time, but he’s going to have to give up those coins. Photographer Determined To Take Kanye West To Trial Kanye needs to learn it’s cheaper to ignore the paparazzi. According to TMZ: Kanye West isn’t out of the woods after striking a plea deal in the criminal case stemming from his photog attack last summer — he’s still facing a nasty civil lawsuit … and we’re told the pap is determined to take the rapper to trial. Normally in civil situations involving celebs — car accidents, fights, property damage, whatever — the victim settles for a quick payday in exchange for dropping their lawsuit … but not this time. Sources close to photog Daniel Ramos — who sued Yeezy for assault and battery after the LAX incident — tell TMZ, Ramos is so confident in his case, he’s refusing to settle for any amount of money … he wants to go the whole nine with Kanye and bring his azz to court. We’re told a trial date has already been set in the case and Ramos is going full steam ahead — no sign anywhere of a settlement agreement. And get this — we’re told Ramos’ attorney Gloria Allred has already sent Kanye notice for a deposition … and you thought Lil Wayne and Justin Bieber were good. We can only imagine how much of a fool Kanye is going to act at that deposition.

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Lawsuits: Photog Wants Yeezus To Face Trial In Civil Case Over LAX Attack

Lamar Odom Charged with DUI, Has License Revoked

He may be avoiding professional help , but Lamar Odom cannot avoid the law. Following his August 30 arrest, the troubled husband of Khloe Kardashian was officially charged Friday with one count of Driving Under the Influence. Lamar Odom Arrest Details Odom was pulled over around 3:30 a.m. on the 101 freeway in Los Angeles because cops noticed he was driving too slow (yes, too slow ). He then failed a number of field sobriety tests and was hailed off to jail. Once there, Lamar refused to submit to a blood alcohol test. This actually helped his cause in a sense because police cannot now change him for hitting a number above the legal limit of .08, but it has consequences. Odom will lose his driver’s license for a year as a result. If convicted on the DUI charge, he will likely face probation and some kind of alcohol education course. This is Odom’s first drunk driving offense. He will be arraigned on September 27.

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Lamar Odom Charged with DUI, Has License Revoked

Kanye West: Charged With Battery, Attempted Grant Theft in LAX Paparazzi Beatdown

Despite reports that he was off the hook, Kanye West has been charged with criminal battery and attempted grand theft for his LAX photographer smackdown. Kanye West Attacks Photographer Kanye went OFF on the photographer after he dared to speak with him as he left the airport … days after ‘Ye warned the paparazzi not to talk EVER. Paramedics were dispatched to the scene, which the rapper left. The alleged victim went to the hospital and has filed a lawsuit, but charges weren’t filed. Until today, that is. The photographer hired Gloria Allred, who said the attack left her client badly injured and that West tried to gank his camera as well. The baby daddy of Kim Kardashian faces a maximum of a year in jail if convicted of both misdemeanor offenses and will be arraigned October 10. The L.A. City Attorney is believed to have filed the charges , after another investigative agency declined to do so after looking into the matter last month. Prosecutors in L.A. County determined the photographer did not have a significant injury; his camera wasn’t stolen, and it’s not clear if it was even damaged. No weapon was used and West doesn’t have a record, so despite his hostile relationship with the media, so there was no evidence of a crime committed. The City Attorney disagreed, which is bad news for West, who hates cameramen as much as he loves Kim and North – and in part because of Kim and North.

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Kanye West: Charged With Battery, Attempted Grant Theft in LAX Paparazzi Beatdown