Joy-Anna Duggar’s struggle to lose weight after giving birth had some fans convinced she was pregnant again already . Well, she has dramatically lost weight, and offers to share her secret with fans. She also reveals that she has already reached an amazing weight loss milestone. Joy-Anna Duggar recently posted a mind-blowing selfie. She has struggled to drop her pregnancy weight, as many mothers do, but her new photo showed her figure looking very trim. Fans wanted to know her secret — and Joy-Anna is willing to talk. “Hey guys!” she writes in her Instagram story. “So I want to share with you what I’ve been doing to lose my baby weight.” It has clearly been working. “A couple months ago,” Joy-Anna shares. “I really wanted to hit it hard and just lose this baby weight.” “I tried exercising,” she reveals. Joy-Anna continues: “I tried dieting.” “And,” she laments. “Nothing was really working.” The reasons why some people struggle to lose weight are complicated, and often come down to time, money, and genetics. In the end, the human body excels at holding on to weight and is reluctant to shed those precious pounds. The tale of her weight loss had several steps, including how she learned of the technique she used. “So,” Joy-Anna shares. “My friend Jessica told me what she had been doing.” She is referring to Jessica Ballinger. “She lost 47 pounds,” Joy-Anna shares, and “feels amazing.” Different people gain and lose very different amounts of weight during pregnancy. “And,” Joy-Anna adds, her friend Jessica “says she has so much energy.” Some crash diets can make people feel exhausted because they are literally malnourishing themselves. Carbohydrates are the fuel that keeps the human body running, folks. Joy-Anna was totally blown away. “I know her,” Joy-Anna gushes. “And saw her results.” She had finally found the solution to her post-baby body. Joy-Anna says that she made a resolution for herself “and was like, I want to do it.” Good for her! Here is where Joy-Anna reveals her major weight loss milestone. “I started it,” she shares. “And I have already gotten down to my pre-pregnancy weight.” That is amazing! “And,” Joy-Anna boasts. “I am still losing weight.” That’s impressive, but we of course hope that she does not take weight loss to any unhealthy extremes. She reveals: “I just feel so good.” “If you guys are wondering what I’m doing,” Joy-Anna says. “You can contact her and I will put her link in the next story.” In other words, she’s not going to steal her friend Jessica Ballinger’s thunder. She says that Jessica’s method “helps teach you how to use food as fuel.” “And,” she adds. “provides you with the food that is necessary to burn fat without sacrificing energy.” Hmmm. So no, Joy-Anna does not provide details. At times it sounds like she is simply describing a diet, like the keto diet or something similar. At other times, it sounds like she is describing something more involved, like a food plan for which one must pay. There are plenty of people who love their food subscription plans. There are plenty of people who love their diets. No healthy solution is going to work the same way for everyone, however. We are so glad to hear that this worked so well for Joy-Anna. View Slideshow: What 19 Celebs REALLY Weigh! (Number 11 Will Shock You!)
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Joy-Anna Duggar Reveals Dramatic Post-Baby Weight Loss Secrets