Kaley Cuoco Talks Big Bang Bucks: You Learn Where To Go and How to Act!

Along with the other stars of The Big Bang Theory , Kaley Cuoco is making major bucks. Like, never work again after the show ends and still be able to build a yacht out of your empty Cristal bottles bucks. Kaley signed a $90 million contract to star in three more seasons of TBBT , so naturally the topic of cash came up when she and the rest of the cast sat down for an interview with People magazine ahead of the show’s upcoming eighth season. Based on their comments, it seems that even though they’re pulling in Two and a Half Men money these days, none of the core members of the Geek Squad have transformed into rock star warlocks from Mars yet: “You learn who to talk to where to go and how to act,” says Kaley. “If you don’t want to be photographed, don’t go to The Ivy, and where undergarments when you go out!” Sound advice, but there’s an irony in Kaley giving tips on how to avoid the paparazzi, in that by her own admission, it was Kaley’s relationship with Henry Cavill (and the fact that they were papped every time they left the house) that took her from sitcom supporting player to beloved Web celebrity. These days, of course, Kaley is married to Ryan Sweeting who had the good fortune to put a ring on it just months before Kaley inked her record-breaking contract. So is ex-tennis pro Ryan just a lucky, loving husband, or a shameless, gold-digging opportunist? We may never know for sure, but one thing is certain – these days Kaley’s private life is far more interesting than anything going on in Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. 33 Hottest Pics of Kaley Cuoco 1. Kaley Cuoco Bikini Photo The world’s hottest Kaley Cuoco bikini photo. Which is saying a lot.

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Kaley Cuoco Talks Big Bang Bucks: You Learn Where To Go and How to Act!

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