Tag Archives: based-on-their

Madison Beer Tits in a Bra on Stage of the Day

Madison Beer is an artist…a pop star artist…who climbed out of the depths of Youtube, which if you’ve used google you’ll know is the top 4 results on any google search…because they own Youtube and want to make it bigger than Netflix, even if they are bigger than netflix, the fuckers control the internet and decide what becomes relevant or big, based on their personal vision for themselves as a company, you know to satisfy their shareholders…and can basically troll the fuck out of all of us..and when they do, there are people who benefit…in the early 2000s it was people with websites…because google would run their ads on the sites and wanted to have as much banner inventory as possible for when they went public…which was great for people who were allowed to run google ads, I know many sites that were making over 100k a month off just putting up google ads…no effort at all…then they did the same thing with youtube personalities like Madison Beer, throwing money at her to keep hr producing…and now she’s a starlet who may not be as mainstream as other starlets but who has great tits that have made lots of youtube money and are now ready to make other mainstream money….tits first the way momma taught her cuz perverts live beyond just YOUTUBE…and are everywhere…like here. Here she is in a nude bikini TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Madison Beer Tits in a Bra on Stage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer Tits in a Bra on Stage of the Day

Johnny Rodriguez: Meet Briana DeJesus’ New Boyfriend!

Briana DeJesus has had a bit of a roller coaster year. So we suppose it's fitting that she's decided to introduce her new boyfriend to the world with a photo taken at a theme park. Yes, Briana has moved on from Javi Marroquin with an NYC native named Johnny Rodriguez. And based on their social media comments, Bri's legion of loyal fans are almost as excited about this new romance as she is … 1. Briana and Johnny Bri introduced her new man to the world by posting this loved-up pic on her Instagram page. 2. Head Over Heels “My sweet love, thank you for shining your light into the darkness that was surrounding me,” Bri captioned the pic. 3. Still Bri Exhibiting her signature irreverent humor, Dejesus added, “#wealmostdiedonthatridetho lol” 4. Playing Coy At first, there was a fair bit of mystery surrounding the identity of Bri’s man — after all, she didn’t even provide his name in the original post. 5. Slowly Spilling the Tea Fortunately, Briana decided to open up about her mystery man in a newly-published interview with Radar Online. 6. Here’s Johnny “It’s nothing crazy and it’s relatively new,” Briana said after revealing Rodriguez’s name to her deeply curious fan base. View Slideshow

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Johnny Rodriguez: Meet Briana DeJesus’ New Boyfriend!

Kailyn Lowry & Becky Hayter: Are They REALLY Dating?!

Kailyn Lowry’s love life is a subject of constant speculation from Teen Mom 2 fans. We admit that it can be tough to keep track of Kailyn’s romantic relationships in the year since she split from Javi Marroquin , but here’s our best shot at a definitive rundown: Kailyn dated Chris Lopez  for a few weeks, and she wound up having his child. Lopez proceeded to pull a punk move and basically abandoned Kail and the baby, later having a change of heart and deciding that he would like to play a role in his son’s life. (Fortunately, Kail is reportedly sticking to her guns and contesting Lopez’s custody rights .) After that Lowry hooked up with Dionisio Cephas , and based on their social media interactions, it seems the situation almost developed into a full-blown relationship, but never quite got there. After the awesomely-named Cephas, Kailyn entered a relationship with Dominique Potter, a longtime friend-turned-love interest. Things got serious in a hurry, and Potter even moved to Delaware in order to be closer to Kail. Unfortunately, the cooled off as quickly as it heated up, and it was revealed last month that Kailyn and Dominique have broken up. Throughout all of these ups and downs, one figure remained a constant in Kail’s corner–her longtime friend and outspoken social media supporter Becky Hayter.  Now that Lowry is single, a new round of rumors that Kailyn and Becky are dating have begun to make their way across the social media landscape. This is nothing new, and about once a month, TM2 fans become convinced that Lowry and Hayter are more than friends. The big difference this time is that Hayter is addressing the reports herself. “You all need to get more creative with these DM’s,” she recently tweeted. “At least send something funny like a joke or meme. The heart eyes and the “Are you and Kail dating” get old.” Shortly thereafter, Lowry responded: “Obviously we are,” which was enough to get fans who don’t understand sarcasm all worked up. So we guess that’s the final word on the matter. Kailyn and Becky are not interested in one another romantically, and it seems they never will be. The end. Just kidding, we’ll see you back here next week for the next round of “Kail and Becky are totes hooking up” reports. In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many ups and downs of Kailyn’s love life. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry & Dominique Potter: It’s OVER!

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Kailyn Lowry & Becky Hayter: Are They REALLY Dating?!

Bella Thorne Titty of the Day

Bella Thorne posted a topless pic of her with her massive tit hanging out, a tit that looks like a solid implant, Lohan style implant, the teardrop implant, because implants may suck in theory, I mean I’ve always hated implants, but they can look good in pictures….and they are fun to grab at the strip club for 10 dollars a song… The point of the story is, post them topless pics like a Disney Kid who figured out how to be relevant…one topless pic of the day…everyday and people care… Even though no one actually cares, she’s not that hot, or interesting but she’s grabbing her tit and that’s alright…pervy. The post Bella Thorne Titty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Titty of the Day

Celebrity Nudity with a Free Membership For Life of the Day

Mr. Skin is a pretty old player in this celebrity nudity game. I first came across them in 2004 or 2005 when I first started the site and consider them friends of the site… THEY ARE OFFERING AN AMAZING LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FOR BLACK FRIDAY CLICK HERE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE < Back then, I was still interested in celebrity nudity, because I was just some dude who liked watching movies, and would rent movies, yes I still rented movies back then, based on their level of nudity...because I've always been a pervert... I would think, oh that celeb is hot, she's naked, which I guess is the premise of the Mr Skin site...brilliant really...and you SHOULD SIGN UP …. I ended up getting knee deep into this celebrity shit, this site is officially a celebrity pop culture site, not actually caring about it, but because it was solid clickbait that made me all my internet money…to drink with…. I always thought celebs were shit, that regular girls were hotter, more interesting, and celebs as a whole were just shit…but after committing myself to the curse that is celebrity, I’ve come to hate them more and more and more and more and find them uglier and uglier with each of my 40,000 posts I’ve done since then…. But I still like their tits…and I still think they are worth looking at…. Which is where Mr Skin comes in by giving away a great deal – a Lifetime membership for a site you will use – because everyone likes celebrity nudity…even when you hate celebs….. So it’s all in one place….organized for all your celeb nudity needs…clips and photos that come without all the other nonsense that comes with it like stories, and the rest of the shitty movies that don’t have the tits… TO GET THIS GREAT DEAL – CLICK HERE Because Movies wouldn’t be movies worth watching without the celeb nudity, so why not just fixate on the celeb nudity….good times… Here are some pics of naked celebs to get you into it… BLACK FRIDAY SO GOOD… SIGN UP NOW The post Celebrity Nudity with a Free Membership For Life of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Celebrity Nudity with a Free Membership For Life of the Day

Nicki Minaj Says CERTAIN Rappers Are Being Compared To Her Only Because She’s Female – “They’d Never Do This To A Man”

Nicki Minaj Says She Gets Comparisons Male Artists Wouldn’t Nicki had some isht to get off her chest on Wednesday night. We aren’t sure what triggered it necessarily, but it sounds like she’s sick and damn tired of not being treated equally as an industry peer with her male counterparts. Apparently, Nicki says that while collabs come naturally between the men in the industry, and artists reach out to work with Drake, J. Cole. and Kendrick based on their undeniable talent. Meanwhile, they need a “push,” presumably from their labels, to work with Nicki. In any field, women must work TWICE as hard to even get HALF the respect her male counterparts get. When does this stop? — NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) October 25, 2017 The greats collaborated w/Drake, Kendrick & Jcole b/c they’re dope MC’s. They collab’d w/nicki cuz someone pulled a gun to their heads…

Kailyn Lowry: New Boyfriend Identified?!

Kailyn Lowry has a lot on her plate these days. Over the summer, she became a mother of three, as well as a college grad. In addition to her role on Teen Mom 2 , Kail currently has several projects in the works, including a new TV show and a collaboration with former husband Javi Marroquin , in which both exes will pen a book offering their account of their highly-publicized divorce. But even the busiest among us need companionship, and it seems that Kail’s many work and family obligations haven’t prevented her from finding love. Or at least that’s the conclusion some fans have reached based on some of Kailyn’s latest social media activity. Yesterday, Kailyn exchanged tweets with a ‘”friend” named Dionisio Cephas. Based on their conversation, many fans now believe Kail and Dionisio are more than just friends. “What are the chances I’ll actually see @ttcu1 today?” Kail tweeted. “Stop acting like I don’t live next door,” Cephas responded. “Long distance relationship with the guy next door #catfish,” Lowry joked. It was then that a fan interjected with some trash talk that Kail actually appreciated. “Watch out bro, she’s in heat,” the fan joked, to which Kailyn replied, “That was actually funny.” Hey, no one’s ever accused Kailyn of not having a sense of humor about herself. The news that she may be in a new relationship has come as a surprise to many fans, as it was recently rumored that Kailyn was back together with Chris Lopez , the father of her third child. Now, it looks as though that ship has definitively sailed. So who is Dionisio? Well, based on his Twitter, it seems Cephas (possibly not his real name) is a Delaware resident and hip hop producer. As for the speculation that he might be Kailyn’s next baby daddy? Well, Dionisio says that won’t be happening anytime soon. “I’m not having kids until I’m married people,” he recently tweeted. Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn’s hustle and heart. View Slideshow: 13 Craziest Kailyn Lowry Rumors: Fact vs. Fiction

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Kailyn Lowry: New Boyfriend Identified?!

Bella Thorne for Marie Claire Indonesia of the Day

Bootleg magazines are still magazines…like bootleg models are still models…and bootleg actresses are still actresses…and bootleg instagram sluts are still sluts.. Bella Thorne is a the 40 year old looking 18 year old who i am sure doctored her birth certificate – that the blogs are writing about – not that anyone reads blogs anymore – but you know what I mean – some of us still gotta hang onto the glory days that are all they know… My storyline for her is the best one, but I am sure all the dad’s who jerk off to her, whether on shitty TV shows she is in, or to her instagram and snapchat whoring…straight up attention seeking….because there are countless instagram whores and slutty girls willing to be slutty on the internet…but only a handfull get cast in movies and TV thanks to being raised by stage parents to do this…to seek attention and to not fuck up now that they’ve made it this far… I don’t think the shitty stock photos for INDO Marie Claire are as funny as INDO Marie Claire existing…but I will post them anyway – because I like to encourage this girl in all she does…it’s jokes.. Boring… The post Bella Thorne for Marie Claire Indonesia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne for Marie Claire Indonesia of the Day

Taylor Swift Probably Not Still Pregnant of the Day

I’ve been saying that Taylor Swift is pregnant…because I was told she is pregnant by more than one person who would know that Taylor Swift would be pregnant…but I guess she’s not pregnant…because she’s posted this bikini pic and as you know 3 month pregnant girls don’t wear bikinis when trying to keep the shit secret… It is Gigi Hadid’s 21st Birthday and it amazes me that we live in a world where people like Taylor Swift don’t only exist, but excel and make so much money of idiot fans, all for producing garbage content…to the point where they are not only richer than fucking god, or more powerful than god, and not just based on their egos alone, but based on the adorning fans throwing their figurative panties at them…makin’ it rain on them…without their stripping… Seeing her escorted out by security, you know to keep her safe, would be far more interesting if there was an assassination in progress…I mean if you’re gonna have crazed fans…make them fucking count… Garbage…but I think she looked better when she wasn’t Taylor Momson hair…what’s this “edgy” new look…cunt.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift Probably Not Still Pregnant of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Probably Not Still Pregnant of the Day

Kylie Jenner’s Fat Ass on Snapchat of the Day

There are two schools of feminist thought on Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians and their whoring. Some feminists hate them and think they are using feminism as a cheap tactic to basically turn themselves into clickbait. “Dudes like sluts, be a slut, people will notice, call it empowerment”… While other say that they are actually doing good for feminism, because in this patriarchy, a feminist must use the tool to empower herself, while nudity being one of those tools. But based on their faces, their pictures, their content, their general brand and vibe…nothing they do is authentic…they are plastic, painted on, vapid and superficial bullshit… Where even the 18 year old, who is rumored to be pregnant with her black boyfriend their wrote into the “reality” show…is a puppet to their money making egomaniac insanity… But I’ll still look at her fat ass being spread or bend over into fuck position in a tight dress, even if that ass looks like it was made in their basement plastic surgery fat transplant studio and even if I’ve seen her in person and she looks like a 40 year old with random meat stapled to her face…because I’ve had sex with and even jerked off to weird shit…you see being online since 1995..coupled with being a creepy dirtbag…fully absorbed in this shit…has taken me to weird places… That’s not to say I could jerk off to this. But I can watch her whoring…whatever the feminist spin, knowing she’s tainting the youth through sluttery. A good thing for those of you who like sluts…because the patriarchy will always win or some shit. Here is the insane cover of Paper Magazine featuring the clown version of her… I hate feeding into these idiots – but here’s the sister with the white babies – in a bikini K The post Kylie Jenner’s Fat Ass on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner’s Fat Ass on Snapchat of the Day