Tag Archives: treated-equally

Sick F**kin’ Family: Vegas Shooter’s Brother Arrested For Possession Of Child Pornography

Image via Getty Las Vegas Shooter’s Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested For Child Porn Sick, depraved and criminal acts clearly run in the Paddock family. The brother of the Las Vegas shooter who murdered 58 people at a Jason Aldean concert a earlier this month has been arrested for another of the family’s egregious crimes against humanity. Bruce Paddock, Stephen Paddock’s younger brother, has been handcuffed and charged with possession of child pornography according to NBCNews . Paddock at a medical facility as he awaited back surgery. He’s charged with 19 counts of sexual exploitation of a child and one count of possession of child pornography after authorities found over 600 images of children engaging in sexual acts. No wonder this guy was acting so weird when the news cameras showed up at his crib. He was a cold f**kin’ creep! SMH. Good riddance to the Paddock’s.

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Sick F**kin’ Family: Vegas Shooter’s Brother Arrested For Possession Of Child Pornography

Nicki Minaj Says CERTAIN Rappers Are Being Compared To Her Only Because She’s Female – “They’d Never Do This To A Man”

Nicki Minaj Says She Gets Comparisons Male Artists Wouldn’t Nicki had some isht to get off her chest on Wednesday night. We aren’t sure what triggered it necessarily, but it sounds like she’s sick and damn tired of not being treated equally as an industry peer with her male counterparts. Apparently, Nicki says that while collabs come naturally between the men in the industry, and artists reach out to work with Drake, J. Cole. and Kendrick based on their undeniable talent. Meanwhile, they need a “push,” presumably from their labels, to work with Nicki. In any field, women must work TWICE as hard to even get HALF the respect her male counterparts get. When does this stop? — NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) October 25, 2017 The greats collaborated w/Drake, Kendrick & Jcole b/c they’re dope MC’s. They collab’d w/nicki cuz someone pulled a gun to their heads…