Kate Gosselin tweeted a photo of her 11-year-old daughter Mady trying on her high heels this weekend, and many of her Twitter followers were not big fans. Much like Jessica Simpson’s baby bikini photo , some people say she went too far. In Kate’s case, the seemingly innocent pic shows Mady’s bare legs in mom’s heels: The mother of eight tweeted with the photo: “hafta make u guess who just HAD to try on my heels that I just unpacked from my bag tonight… Starts w an ‘M.” Many of her followers were less than impressed. A vocal Kate critic wrote: “What Mom showcases her 11 yr old’s legs to 100,000 Twitter followers with all the pedophiles out there, wearing Mom’s high heels!” Some stood up for the reality star turned Fashion Week runway model . “I guess I’m truly NOT SEEIN what they see! Nothin abt that sent off any alarm 4me. Just a kid in heels,” one defender said. What’s your take? Tell us below! What do you think of Kate Gosselin’s photo, posted above?
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Kate Gosselin Posts Pic of Daughter in High Heels, Twitter Fans Freak Out