As you may have heard, Kendall Jenner nude photos circulated on social media yesterday. Usually, naked pictures of an attractive celebrity that are posted online with said celebrity’s consent are a cause for celebration. This time, however, the uproar was such that you would have thought Kendall had once again attempted to quell a riot by handing out cans of Pepsi. Amazingly, Kendall was body-shamed by an army of idiot trolls. It’s a bit discouraging to see supermodels being brutally body-shamed (What hope do the rest of us have?!), but for a moment, we were ready to the world is in shambles and the internet is dominated by the angriest and most envious members of our society. But then, a ray of light shined through in the form of a horned-up male model. You may know Anwar Hadid as the brother of Bella and Gigi, or as the dude who’s been making no effort to hide his persistent Kendall-inspired boner in recent weeks. Not surprisingly, the president of the unofficial Kendall Jenner Fan Club was quite taken by his crush’s latest pics, and he’s reportedly been talking about them to anyone who cares to listen. “Anwar is drooling over the leaked Kendall nude pics,” a source close to the Hadids tells Hollywood Life. “He thinks she looks amazing and he wants her bad,” the insider continues. “Anwar has been crushing on Kendall for years, he thinks she is smart, successful and funny too.” Clearly unconcerned about the possibility of coming on too strong, Anwar didn’t stop there: “He can’t believe how beautiful and sexy she looks without any clothes on in the leaked pics,” the source claims. “Anwar can’t stop thinking about Kendall since seeing those pics.” Fortunately for Anwar, it seems there’s a good chance that his dream of dating 22-year-old model will soon become a reality. Kendall recently broke up with Ben Simmons after several months of dating. There have been rumors that Kendall was caught cheating with Anwar , but that doesn’t seem to be the case. However, Hadid seems to have swooped in immediately after learning that Kendall was single, and the two were spotted “getting close” at a party next week. Sounds like Anwar won’t have to rely on pics and his imagination for much longer. View Slideshow: Kendall Jenner: Her 35 Hottest Photos of All Time
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Kendall Jenner Nude Photos Have Anwar Hadid All Horned Up