Kenya Moore Flaunts Her New Husband Despite Real Housewives Drama!

When we heard that Kenya Moore has to choose between her new husband and her job , we figured that it was a no-brainer. Being on The Real Housewives of Atlanta brings money and fame, while marrying brings statistically shorter life expectancies for women. But Kenya is clearly experiencing that “love” emotion when it comes to Marc Daly. That’s been clear from the get-go. In fact, Kenya’s clearly so enamored that she’s showing him off on Instagram. Ever since Kenya Moore’s secret wedding , we’ve been itching to learn more about Marc Daly. But, famously, he’s reluctant to appear on The Real Housewives of Atlanta . (And by “reluctant,” we mean adamant, because it doesn’t sound like he’s budging even though it could cost Kenya Moore her job ) Reportedly, Marc has an issue with the negative way that he says that black men are portrayed on the series. He didn’t get specific, but we think that he joins others who have pointed out that RHOA portrays black men as lacking while showing white men as providers and desirable partners. (There are a lot of thoughtful critiques of how reality television portrays black people, and the trends are not pretty) We’d point out that, even as much control as producers and editors have, he might change that perceived portrayal by appearing on the show. Also, from day one we were concerned that Kenya Moore could get kicked off of the show over having a secret wedding. After all, it kind of spoils the image of “reality television” when something as big as a wedding happens off-screen. But Marc seems unwilling to step in front of the Real Housewives of Atlanta cameras. He’s clearly not universally camera-shy, though. Because look what popped up on Kenya Moore’s Instagram page on Sunday: Now, we might not know as much as we’d like about Marc Daly. But that is a man who can really fill out a shirt. And we totally get why Kenya is so besotted. (Seriously, Kenya Moore praises Marc Daly a lot) And we’re so happy for her that she’s found love. Finally . After 46 years . But we do question if Marc, or love itself, could be worth sacrificing her reality TV career. But maybe it’s unfair to put all of that pressure (or blame) on Marc. After all, The Real Housewives of Atlanta hired Kenya. If she’s too boring to put on television, that’s probably on her. If the show’s producers and editors can’t find a way to include her on the series, that sounds like it’s their problem. In neither case does Marc, who never signed up for the show to begin with, sound like the bad guy. And while Kenya’s been slow to open up about him, it sounds like Marc is a real good guy. The whole thing is almost enough to make you believe in romantic love, right? Almost . We really do hope that all of the parties involved can reach some sort of resolution soon. Whatever that might mean. (And there are some rumors floating around that she’s still negotiating, so maybe this story will have an all-around happy ending) It looks like, if push comes to shove, Kenya will choose love, and that’s all well and good. But we’d hate for her to go on this journey with Marc Daly and one day look back on this crossroads with regrets or second thoughts, you know? View Slideshow: 20 Really Big Real Housewives Scandals

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Kenya Moore Flaunts Her New Husband Despite Real Housewives Drama!

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