Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey was charged with felony assault for groping the genitals of a teenage bus boy. On Monday, January 7, the former House of Cards star appeared in Massachusetts court for a hearing. Creepily, he remained entirely silent — even when it came time to enter a plea. Kevin Spacey appeared in court to address charges over the 2016 Nantucket Island incident. He is said to have smiled as he entered the building. The reviled 59-year-old actor reportedly did not say a word in court, not even to enter a plea. In accordance with Massachusetts law, a “not guilty” plea was entered on his behalf. After the hearing, Spacey reportedly have left without speaking. Cape and Islands Assistant District Attorney requested that Spacey be barred from contacting the 18-year-old victim or his family. The judge agreed to this request. Spacey’s time in courtrooms is only beginning, as this was a simple plea hearing. He will have to return for his first preliminary hearing on March 4 of this year. We have no idea what sort of legal strategy he will attempt in his own defense. Spacey was one of many men accused in #MeToo stories. Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony Rapp came forward and revealed that Spacey had behaved inappropriately with him when he was only 14 years old. Rumors and accusations had followed Spacey for decades, and this was finally enough to derail Spacey’s career. Spacey, however, believes that he has multitudes of secret supporters who yearn for his return to the big screen. He believes that these people either do not care about the accusations against him or do not believe them. On the same day that Spacey was charged for felony assault, he released a deeply creepy video. “I know what you want,” Spacey told his YouTube audience in a chilling video while acting as his former House of Cards character. “Oh sure, they may have tried to separate us but what we have is too strong, it’s too powerful,” he said. Many noted that his words sounded like what a sexual predator might say to a victim whom he had groomed. “After all, we shared everything, you and I,” Spacey continued. “I told you my deepest darkest secrets.” “I showed you exactly what people are capable of,” he said. “I shocked you with my honesty.” “But mostly, I challenged you and made you think, and you trusted me even though you knew you shouldn’t.” Read the room, you creep. “So, we’re not done no matter what anybody says,” Spacey continued. “And besides, I know what you want. You want me back.” In the context of the accusations against him, this is bone-chilling. “You wouldn’t rush to judgments without facts, would you? Did you? No, not you,” he says. Nobody rushed to judgments on Spacey. If anything, they dragged their heels for years. “You’re smarter than that,” he told his (hopefully imaginary) fans. “Anyway, all this presumption made for such an unsatisfying ending.” “And to think, it could have been such a memorable sendoff,” he lamented. “I mean, if you and I learned nothing else these past years, it’s that in life and art.” “Nothing should be off the table,” he said creepily. “We weren’t afraid, not of what we said, not of what we did and we’re still not afraid.” “Because I can promise you this, if I didn’t pay the price for the things we both know I did do,” he announced. “I’m certainly not gonna pay the price for I didn’t do.” Again, this is just … deeply unsettling and not giving his audience the feelings that he had hoped to elicit. “Oh of course, they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful not playing by the rules,” he said of his unwelcome comeback to the public eye. “Like I ever played by anyone’s rules before,” he concluded. “I never did and you loved it.” Gross. Let’s hope that the court can do to Spacey what getting fired from his own show failed to do: teach him to shut up. View Slideshow: Hollywood Sex Scandal: Who’s Been Caught? Accused? Fired?
Kevin Spacey Appears in Court on Sexual Assault Charge