Siblings share a bond that is often volatile, but unbreakable and unparalleled. As kids, we often struggle to express feelings toward our brothers and sisters, due to the depth of emotions and complexity of familial relationships. Sometimes, a poem on a page says what spoken words cannot. Case in point? This piece, posted to Reddit by a father who said his son wrote it for his younger brother Max, who he hopes one day will make fat stacks. Max, whose hobbies include gaming and watching TV and messing with me, also likes The Office , donuts and bacon (not the healthiest lifestyle, but no matter). His mind may be crazy like the Mad Hatter’s, but Max is his brother, which is all that matters. There’s also a random aside about a Chihuahua in there, for good measure. It’s unclear what inspired this message, or whether he was trying too hard or not hard enough, but the writer was clearly sincere. No one can take that away from him. Check out more classic little kid notes after the jump … 42 Hilarious Kid Notes 1. Best Friends Forever If the Jenner sisters had kicked Selena Gomez in the face, maybe they’d still be BFFs.
Excerpt from:
Kid Writes Touching Note to Brother, Hopes Max Will One Day Make Fat Stacks