Kim Kardashian Divorce Attorney Swears: The Marriage was Real!

Forget 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. This is ironic: a new insider has spoken out in defense of Kim Kardashian and her intentions when marrying Kris Humphries in August. This insider? The star’s divorce attorney. Laura Wasser, who has represented a number of celebrities during their legal splits, explains to TMZ that the prenuptial agreement hammered out between parties was so extensive that both sides simply had to have been serious about the union. “Given what I know regarding that document, it is not plausible that this marriage was a sham,” Wasser says, adding that financial issues which extend “well into the future” were debated. Please. It certainly is plausible . Many might argue that a couple truly in love and hoping to spend eternity together would not even have a prenuptial agreement. The 30-page document focuses on every conceivable monetary issue, with one source asking: “Why on earth would they create a document which looks far into the future if they planned a marriage that would only last a few months?” So let us get this straight: the argument IN FAVOR of Kim’s legitimate feelings is based on the exhaustive amount of time spent on an agreement that divides up assets in case of divorce? Are you buying this line of reasoning? Why do you think Kris and Kim got married?

Originally posted here:
Kim Kardashian Divorce Attorney Swears: The Marriage was Real!

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