King of Bain Trailer: New Film Slams Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker, is striking a populist tone as he looks to fight back against Mitt Romney, the frontrunner in the Republican nomination fight. In a bid to discredit Romney’s economic expertise – the strength of his candidacy, besides perceived “electability” – Gingrich lambasts him for firing people and ruining lives. In a manner of speaking, of course. Insisting he is “totally for capitalism,” Newt cited Microsoft for becoming “extraordinarily rich” by “providing a service” while firms such as Bain strip companies down for profit. It’s unclear if this will resonate with voters, but a pro-Gingrich PAC, Winning Our Future, produced a movie about Mitt’s tenure at Bain to make its point. Here’s the trailer: Mitt Romney – King of Bain Movie Trailer A deluge of pro-Romney PAC ads have drawn fire from Newt Gingrich in recent weeks. Now it seems the one-time national frontrunner is firing back in kind. Time will tell if this line of attacks pays dividends, but it almost seems better suited to a Democratic National Committee ad, not one from a fellow Republican.

King of Bain Trailer: New Film Slams Mitt Romney

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