Kanye West hosted an unusual surprise gathering for Kim Kardashian on Wednesday night, one whose party favors were not limited to horns, hats and balloons. They also included fake baby bumps. Indeed, because Kim Kardashian is expecting her second child in December, attendees though it would be cute to pretend as if they were also pregnant during this 35th birthday celebration. Among those getting into the theme? Joyce Bonelli, Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian, all of whom are featured above, rocking much larger bellies than usual. Kylie Jenner’s back is to the camera, making it unknown whether or not the 18-year old is also faking a pregnancy. “I wasn’t expecting to look this way again quite yet, but Happy Pregnant Birthday @kimkardashian,” Kourtney wrote as a caption on Instagram. Kourtney, of course, have birth to her third child in late 2014. “Not sure if that was to make me feel less huge or just a fun cool theme but I loved it & had the best time ever,” Kim wrote in response to the pregnancy party. “Feeling so very comfortable eating churros with a bunch of pregnant women.” Kardashian is actually due to give birth on Christmas Day . We know she’s having a boy and we know this boy will not be named South. But Easton West is reportedly not out of the question.
See more here:
Kourtney Kardashian and Kris Jenner: See Their Fake Baby Bumps!