Kylie Jenner is probably a decent mom, right? We really haven’t seen much of her parenting in action, or any of it, really. Aside from a few selfies with Stormi and that admittedly precious video she shared about her pregnancy , she’s been pretty private about everything. But there are some things you just can’t help but notice, certain choices that Kylie’s been making as a mother. And one of those recent choices has gotten a lot of people riled up. Kylie was kind enough to share a new video and photo of Stormi earlier this week, and once you get over how precious that little baby is , you notice something. She’s got her ears pierced! She looks adorable, just like always , but people always have very strong feelings about piercing a baby’s ears. Those people were not shy in expressing their dismay. “Kylie Jenner’s baby has her ears pierced and I have lost every bit of respect I had for that girl that should be illegal,” one person tweeted. Another told her that she should “be ashamed” of herself, and that “this is utterly disgraceful.” “I think it’s f-cking awful that she’s pierced her baby’s ears as a fashion statement,” someone in Instagram complained, and another agreed, saying “I really don’t understand how people can put holes in their babies.” Because, as a Twitter user argued, “They’re kids for f-cks sake, why put them through unnecessary pain?” “Sorry but no just no,” yet another person declared. “Piercing a 5 month old childs ears is NOT cute it is called CHILD ABUSE. Shows that you are NOT fit to be a parent and should be investigated.” So … that’s a lot, right? We can probably all agree that getting a baby’s ears pierced isn’t actually child abuse, let’s start there. Sure, you may not agree with the idea, and you may even be outspoken about it like some of these people, but it’s not on the same level as actual abuse, at all. And, as plenty of people pointed out, getting your kid’s ears pierced at such a young age is normal for many, many people. “Y’all really mad at Kylie for getting her baby’s ears pierced?” one of those people asked. “That’s the first thing poc do after cutting the cord.” “I just read ppl complaining abt kylie jenner getting her 6month year old baby’s ears pierced and i feel like they’re all white,” another said. “Like pls i got mine done out of the womb.” From the point of view of a former baby in Stormi’s position, “I got mine pierced at 9 months and I PROMISE, I have never felt like my parents took my autonomy away from me. It’s truly not that serious.” And then, in one particularly strong argument, someone tweeted “People are upset Kylie Jenner pierced her 5 month old daughter’s ears. Wait until they find out what some people do to their sons penis 2-3 weeks after birth!” So maybe we can give Kylie a break on this one, just this once? At the very least, maybe we could avoid acting like she’s the worst mother in the whole entire world. View Slideshow: Stormi Webster: See ALL Her Precious Pics!
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Kylie Jenner: Accused of Child Abuse! For Real!
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