Lady Gaga: Topless and Bald on Instagram!

There’s nothing all that exciting about topless Lady Gaga photos . The Mother Monster has been appearing in public in various stages of undress for about as long as she’s been famous. In fact, thanks to those giant sunglasses she used to rock, we’re pretty sure we saw her boobs before we ever saw her face in its entirety. Still, there’s a new and interesting aspect to her latest Instagram photo, as Gaga apparently decided to give “topless” a whole different meaning: That’s Gaga without the giant hairpieces she’s been rocking lately. It’s impossible to tell if her head is shaved or her hair is just pulled back in a really tight bun, but either way, we feel like we shouldn’t be seeing this. Catching the singer without one of her trademark fright wigs is like seeing Stephen Colbert break character.  But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, as Gaga has been reaching Madonna-like levels of late-career desperation recently. Gaga’s latest album did alright on the charts, but she’s is nothing like the pop cultural force that was Lady Gaga just a few short years ago. That’s why we’ve had Gaga flashing her naked butt on Instagram . That’s why we’ve been receiving subtle social media hints that Gaga married Taylor Kinney . It’s all part of an effort to keep her personal life interesting, as her music continues to grow stale. The Mother Monster, of course, has so many rabidly devoted fans that her sales will remain steady for a while, but we imagine it’s only a matter of time before they move on to a new act that its as exciting and unpredictable as Gaga once was. 41 WTF? Lady Gaga Photos 1. Lady Gaga: Tattoo, No Top! Lady Gaga gets a huge tattoo, and no pants or top are being worn in the process of her getting it. Pretty great.

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Lady Gaga: Topless and Bald on Instagram!

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