If you’re a Duggar fan, then you’re likely aware that Jana Duggar is single . Jana’s marital status is a big deal among Duggar obsessives, as most of the women in her family are well on their way to spawning a legion of flannel-clad fundies by the time they turn 28. There are many theories as to why Jana might still be single . And of course, very few of them take into account such eminently logical explanations as “she hasn’t met the right guy,” or “she might just prefer being single.” Instead, every few weeks a new theory emerges to explain why Jana insists on bucking the family trend, and most of them involve some scandalous secret that the Duggars are supposedly going to great lengths to keep buried. The latest has to do with Jana’s longtime friend Laura DeMasie. Given the amount of time these two spend together and the fact that they’ve both defied expectations by remaining single, we suppose it was only a matter of time before fans began speculating that Jana and Laura are dating . And if it were true, it would be a deeply satisfying narrative: Two women in a male-dominated frontier finding solace in one another’s arms, like some sort of reality-TV version of a Willa Cather novel. But of course, the Duggars are not deriving as much pleasure from the Jana-Laura love story as the rest of us. Asked point-blank on Twitter this week if Jana and Laura are romantically involved, the ever-outspoken Derick Dillard replied simply, “uh no.” Apparently, that wasn’t blunt enough for one fan, who replied: “Derick you should have put just ‘no’ the ‘uh’ implies you don’t know lol, so this is not confirmation for the masses.” That led Laura to speak out on the matter herself: “How about this then: no,” she replied. Jeez, you would’ve thought someone accused her of something truly scandalous, like preferring Applebee’s to Chili’s. Jana still hasn’t spoken out on the matter, but that’s at least partially due to the fact that partially due to the fact that as an unmarried Duggar woman, she’s not allowed to use social media. So for now at least, we guess the Jana-Laura love story is dead and buried. Fortunately, Duggar fans will always have their fan fiction. View Slideshow: Jana Duggar Courtship Rumors Breakdown: Fact vs. Fiction!
Originally posted here:
Laura DeMasie: Jana Duggar’s Alleged Girlfriend FINALLY Addresses Relationship Rumors