The stars of the Teen Mom franchise receive an endless amount of flak for their parenting decisions. In many cases, this criticism is well-deserved, such as when Jenelle Evans protects David Eason against allegations that he’s abusing her children. But there are times in which the fans over-step their bounds and hurl unsolicited advice at moms who aren’t doing a damn thing wrong. Leah Messer is often on the receiving end of this sort of concern-trolling. Leah’s daughter Aliannah suffers from muscular dystrophy but most of the “advice” she receives has to do with Ali’s twin daughter, Aleeah, otherwise known as Gracie. And sadly, most of it has to do with concerns over the 9-year-old’s attire. Aleeah is a cheerleader , and photos from her competitions have attracted disturbing comments about her allegedly “age-inappropriate” attire. Earlier this week, Leah posted pics of her daughters’ Halloween costumes, and now it seems we have to relitigate this dumb “controversy” all over again. (No, we don’t know why she waited until November to post Halloween pics, but like we said, she’s got a lot on her plate.) Hilariously, the twins decided to dress as modern pop icons, while Leah’s youngest dressed as a member of the Hogwarts student body: “When they want #ArianaGrande #Beyonce andddd a #witch … Mom makes it happen,” Leah captioned the pic. And sadly, the criticism started rolling in immediately: “Aleeah looks way too grown up,” wrote one commenter . “Gracie looks 15,” another person remarked. “That girl is gonna be troubleeeee.” Yikes. Thankfully, not all of the comments were so negative: “OMG I thought the one that was Ariana Grande was dress[ed] up as you LMAO,” one person remarked. “Now they are starting to look like mini yous!” another echoed. “Gosh they have grown, so beautiful,” a third wrote. “Oh my goodness!! They look fabulous! Aleeah looks like she is grown!” remarked another fan. Obviously, the vast majority of the criticism is baseless and idiotic, and the commenters should keep that crap to themselves — especially when we could be focused on more important issues like why Leah chose to give her kids such similar names! Like it’s not confusing enough having a Leah and an Aleeah under the same roof, you have to throw and Aliannah into the mix, too?! Sorry, we just needed a brief vent session. Anyway, stop ragging on Leah for how she dresses her kids, y’all. It’s a bad look. View Slideshow: Leah Messer Opens Up About Daughter’s Tragic Illness: She’s Trapped in This Body!
Original post:
Leah Messer SLAMMED For Daughter’s Ariana Grande Halloween Costume: She Looks Like a Teenager!