Count acclaimed Girls star/creator Lena Dunham among those who aren’t enamored with Rihanna and Chris Brown being back together these days. In an interview with Alec Baldwin on his podcast “Here’s the Thing,” Dunham said that she “used to be really into” Rihanna but was ultimately turned off. The reason? Her recent reconciliation with Chris Brown . An excerpt from Lena Dunham’s interview with Baldwin, in which she discusses the controversial singers’ relationship in context, appears below: “[Being a role model] is amazing,” she says of her rise to fame. “It’s an amazing thing and it’s like, it’s a platform that you have to take seriously.” “Which is why sometimes it’s like I used to be really into Rihanna , the pop star, and then it’s like again, I don’t want to ever throw stones from my glass house.” “But, I follow her on Instagram and I just think about how many little girls beyond what I could even comprehend are so obsessed with Rihanna.” “You know, she left Barbados, she’s had this amazing career, she’s won a Grammy.” “She’s so talented. And then she gets back together with Chris Brown and posts a million pictures of them smoking marijuana together on a bed.” “And it cracks my heart in half in a way that makes me feel like I’m 95 years old.” Do you agree with Lena? Has Rihanna getting back together with Chris Brown after he beat her up changed your opinion of her for the worse? Yes. She’s a bad role model setting a terrible example. No. I respect her more because she lives her own life! My opinion has not changed. View Poll »
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Lena Dunham on Rihanna & Chris Brown: It Cracks My Heart in Half