Lindsay Lohan Demanding Christian LaBella Delete Pics: Right or Wrong?

Lindsay Lohan’s “terrifying” incident last weekend involving Christian LaBella in New York last weekend was reportedly sparked by him taking photos of her.  This discovery led, allegedly, to a physical altercation. Regardless of the assault claim she made (and the police found no evidence of) did Lindsay have a right to get upset over the pictures and demand he delete them? A photography attorney says most likely yes, though the 26-year-old would have to prove in court that she had an expectation of privacy under the circumstances. Such an expectation is actually still possible, even if a person has been hanging out with brand-new friends in a hotel room at 4 a.m. after a night of clubbing According to Carolyn E. Wright of PhotoAttorney (dot) com, it all depends on the details. “If she knew he was taking pictures and didn’t stop him, then she doesn’t have an expectation of privacy,” Wright said. “He could even email them to friends or sell them to a tabloid without running into trouble, as long as he didn’t go so far as to turn them into a coffee mug, T-shirt or stock-photo image. However, if the pictures were being taken surreptitiously in the hotel room, a la Prince Harry naked , it could be a whole different ballgame, with Lilo in the right. The Kate Middleton bottomless shots, taken outdoors, are another gray area. LaBella was arrested and then released after the actress claimed he attacked her, and ultimately the two misdemeanor assault charges against him were dropped. Lohan refused medical treatment and police decided nobody was hurt. So basically, the dude was extremely shady, and probably should’ve deleted the photos as a courtesy, but it’d be tough to prove he did anything illegal. Especially when you’re dealing with a compulsive liar.

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Lindsay Lohan Demanding Christian LaBella Delete Pics: Right or Wrong?

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