Madonna took some fans to task during sound check for her concert in Chile, telling them to stop smoking cigarettes and threatening to cancel her own show. Take a look at the raw video below: Madonna Threatens Fans Over Cigarettes “There are people smoking right now,” the 54-year-old said. “No smoking!” “If you’re going to smoke cigarettes, I’m not doing a show. You don’t care about me? I don’t care about you. All right? Are we going to play that game?” “I’m not kidding. I can’t sing if you smoke. Entiendes?” Apparently that didn’t get the message across … and she wasn’t finished trying. “You’re looking right at me and smoking cigarettes, like I’m a stupid f–king idiot,” she added, and eventually got her way. You don’t mess with the Queen. Imagine if she catches Lourdes Leon smoking again.
Here is the original post:
Madonna Threatens Fans: Stop Smoking or I’m Out!