Tag Archives: 2012-apocalypse

Scott Disick Proposal: Rejected by Kourtney Kardashian?

He may be a part of the Kardashian Christmas card , but will Scott Disick ever be an official part of reality TV’s First Family? It’s unlikely, according to Life & Style sources, who report that the father of Kourtney’s two kids tried to get down on one knee recently… but the attempt was rebuffed by Kardashian! Kourtney “does not want to be engaged,” the tabloid alleges, with a friend adding: “[She] really has been very vocal and told everyone how she does not want to marry Scott . She does not think their relationship is perfect and is scared of divorce. But Scott’s not happy about her never saying yes to a proposal.” Previous reports detailing the couple have claimed that Kourtney would consider a marriage, but only if Disick signed a prenup . Other sources, meanwhile, have claimed the twosome WILL get hitched someday, but a Scott Disick/ Kourtney Kardashian wedding would solely be based on ratings. Hmmm… we wonder where they would have gotten that idea from.

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Scott Disick Proposal: Rejected by Kourtney Kardashian?

Madonna Threatens Fans: Stop Smoking or I’m Out!

Madonna took some fans to task during sound check for her concert in Chile, telling them to stop smoking cigarettes and threatening to cancel her own show. Take a look at the raw video below: Madonna Threatens Fans Over Cigarettes “There are people smoking right now,” the 54-year-old said. “No smoking!” “If you’re going to smoke cigarettes, I’m not doing a show. You don’t care about me? I don’t care about you. All right? Are we going to play that game?” “I’m not kidding. I can’t sing if you smoke. Entiendes?” Apparently that didn’t get the message across … and she wasn’t finished trying. “You’re looking right at me and smoking cigarettes, like I’m a stupid f–king idiot,” she added, and eventually got her way. You don’t mess with the Queen. Imagine if she catches Lourdes Leon smoking again.

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Madonna Threatens Fans: Stop Smoking or I’m Out!

Did Rita Ora Cheat on Rob Kardashian with Jonah Hill?

It may be all over for Rita Ora and Rob Kardashian , but the speculation is far from done. Following Kardashian’s Twitter rant against his ex, in which he accused Ora of cheating on him with “20 dudes,” the identity of one of those dudes has allegedly been revealed. It’s Jonah Hill! “Rita spent the night with Jonah during a trip to New York,” a source tells Us Weekly , although it’s unclear what her status with Kardashian was at the time. Ora and Kim’s brother dated sporadically for many months before this final, official split. But if Rita did get it on with the Moneyball star, that begs the question: Is Jonah Hill an upgrade or downgrade over Rob Kardashian?   Upgrade! Downgrade! View Poll »

Did Rita Ora Cheat on Rob Kardashian with Jonah Hill?

Julian Assange Christmas Video: Wishing You a Happy, WikiLeaks-Filled New Year!

Embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange promised Thursday to release more than a million files in 2013 which would affect “every country in the world.” “Despite an unprecedented criminal investigation and campaign to destroy WikiLeaks, 2012 has been a huge year,” said Assange in a rare video message. “Next year will be equally busy. WikiLeaks has well over a million documents to release.” Julian Assange Christmas Message Assange, the Australian native founder of WikiLeaks, gave his speech from the balcony of Ecuador’s London embassy, where he has been given asylum. He’s been holed up there since mid-June to avoid extradition to Sweden, where police want to question him about allegations of sexual misconduct. He has not been charged with any crime by any country. Assange has said he fears being sent to the U.S., which he believes will prosecute him for WikiLeaks’ release of classified diplomatic and military intelligence. During Thursday’s address, he reiterated those fears : “The U.S. investigation is referred to in testimony under oath in U.S. courts, is admitted by Department of Justice and by the District Attorney of Virginia as a fact.” “”It’s subpoenas are being litigated in the courts. The Pentagon reissued its threats against me in September and claimed the very existence of WikiLeaks is an ongoing crime.” “My work will not be cowed. But while this immoral investigation continues, and while the Australian government will not defend [WikiLeaks], I must remain here.” Assange says he plans to start a WikiLeaks-themed political party and run for Australian senate … assuming he can return there at some point of course.

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Julian Assange Christmas Video: Wishing You a Happy, WikiLeaks-Filled New Year!

Alpacalypse 2012: Doomsday Never Looked So Cute!

The end of the world is going down today, the Mayans tell us. You’ve surely heard. What you probably haven’t considered is that predictions of the December 21, 2012 apocalypse were all just a clever ruse … to divert attention from the real threat. The ALPACAlypse! A meme devoted to the llama-like furballs is wreaking cute destruction on 12/21/12. So sometime today, expect a torrent of alpacas to rain down upon us, bringing fire, brimstone, the end of human civilization and a whole lot of furry silliness. Seriously, have you seen one of them? See more Alpacalypse images below:

See the original post:
Alpacalypse 2012: Doomsday Never Looked So Cute!

A-HA’s "Take On Me," Ukelele Edition

Someday, after the 2012 apocalypse, A-HA's “Take On Me” will be all that's left to tell the future who we once were.

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A-HA’s "Take On Me," Ukelele Edition