Marilyn Manson and actress Evan Rachel Wood, who got back together fairly recently, ended their engagement last week, a source confirmed this morning. A newly single Manson wasted no time getting back in the swing of things, hitting the town over the weekend, dining at L.A’s STK and clubbing at Boudoir. According to reports, the 41-year-old shock rocker was with a group including a brunette named Twiggy and former Playmate of the Year Colleen Shannon. “They just broke off their engagement recently, and he needed a night out with friends,” says another source close to Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner). Don’t we all. GOT WOOD? Marilyn Manson no longer does. Maybe for the best . While together, Manson had proposed to the True Blood actress, 22, during a January performance in Paris, witnesses said. She enthusiastically accepted. The two began dating in 2006, when Evan Rachel Wood was barely legal, but then broke up in 2008, when Wood was linked briefly to actor Shane West. They reconciled for a short time, only to split again before getting engaged last January. That’s all over now though, as they’ve gone their separate ways. Hopefully they can get back together and break up again soon.
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Marilyn Manson, Evan Rachel Wood Split (Again)!