Matt Baier: I Am NOT a Serial Fornicator! I NEVER Lied!

If you watch Teen Mom OG , you probably know that Matt Baier, fiance of star Amber Portwood, has recently been accused of fathering up to eight children with as many as six different women. What’s more, he is said to owe child support to all of his baby mamas. This was probably a shock to Amber, who originally thought he had only two kids. But the 44-year-old is now seeking to clear his name in an interview he gave to Us Weekly . “People made the assumption that I was some serial fornicator that was impregnating everybody and then just disappearing,” he told the magazine. Uh-huh. That sounds about right so far. But he claims he never lied to Amber and clarified that he only has five children, all of whom came out of three long-term relationships. Oh, but he does acknowledge that the woman who claims to be the mother of his alleged sixth child “hasn’t been disproven yet.” “Hasn’t been disproven”? That sounds like lawyer speak for “I might have a sixth kid, but I haven’t actually taken a paternity test or anything.” “Amber knows everything,” he insisted.  Um, but not too long ago she thought he had just two children. So, either he’s taking creative license with the definition of the word “lie” or he’s lying about not lying. Baier has multiple convictions on record and is a recovering addict, but then again, so is Amber. He insists that they’re both now on the straight-and-narrow and have started a house-flipping business in their home state of Indiana. “Amber and I are not ashamed of our pasts,” Baier adds. “We are the ultimate team.” With that last statement, we wholeheartedly agree. View Slideshow: 23 Biggest Douchebags on Reality TV

See the rest here:
Matt Baier: I Am NOT a Serial Fornicator! I NEVER Lied!

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