Michael Jackson 911 Call Played in Court; Bodyguard Says Dr. Conrad Murray Hid Propofol

Michael Jackson’s security guard Alberto Alvarez testified in Dr. Conrad Murray’s involuntary manslaughter trial today, recalling that fateful day in 2009. Alvarez was the one who called 911 after Jackson’s vital signs fell. The 911 call is included below. But his testimony delved into much more than that. Murray asked Alberto Alvarez to remove several vials of Propofol before he called an ambulance on June 25, 2009, according to the witness’ tesitmony. Michael Jackson 911 Call Alvarez claims he quickly arrived at the scene and saw Murray performing one-handed chest compressions on Michael Jackson, who was still in the bed. According to Alvarez, Murray immediately asked him to pack up several vials and an IV bag – one that contained a vial with a “milky white substance.” Murray THEN asked Alvarez to call 911, at which point the dispatcher ordered him to move the singer from the bed to the floor in order to perform CPR. According to Alvarez, paramedics arrived soon after. He was grilled on the timeline of these key events by Murray’s lawyer, but he remained steadfast. Murray’s defense hinges on the theory that Michael Jackson killed himself with a lethal dose of Propofol while the physician was (briefly) out of the room. They have to try something. Your take? Dr. Conrad Murray is …

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Michael Jackson 911 Call Played in Court; Bodyguard Says Dr. Conrad Murray Hid Propofol

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