Now that Jersey Shore Family Vacation is back on the air, viewers can see what a crazy year Mike Sorrentino has had. Between his wedding to Lauren Pesce and going to jail for tax fraud , The Sitch has had more on his plate than even his famous appetite can handle. But Mike’s comments on Thursday’s episode seem to hint that a new little Situation could be on the way soon. In real life, the wedding’s over and done with, and Mike is very nearly finished with his prison sentence. On air however, Mike and Lauren’s wedding is all the buzz as the cast prepares for the upcoming nuptuals. Mike and his college sweetheart were about to spend the first months of their marriage separated by prison bars. Even so, they didn’t let it stop them from planning to start a family. “Myself and Lauren, we just started discussing having a little Situation,” Mike told the camera during a scene at his apartment. In the scene Lauren half-jokingly mentioned that there’s a “high chance” she could get pregnant. “Then we should get busy,” Mike responded. Wow! Sounds like Mike is kinda serious about this. Maybe’s he’s been putting more thought into this than we realized. “You think you’re ready for a baby?” Lauren asked Mike at the apartment. “Um, honey,” Mike told his fiance, “I’ve been born ready!” So there you have it. This reformed party animal is ready to be a dad. Parenting is the ultimate responsibility. If The Sitch is truly ready, then he’s come a long way from pounding Jager bombs and yelling at his costars. Then again, he is still on Jersey Shore , so some childish drama is sure to come, but Mike has notably been sober for years now. But let’s not get too excited for Situation Jr just yet. The couple plan to wait a while before trying to make a baby. Lauren has said she wants the couple to buy a house before the two start building family, a responsible caveat to be sure. And when your husband is in prison, that’s certainly no time to be house-hunting or getting pregnant. “I don’t think we’re going to purchase a house while I’m in prison,” Mike said, eliciting a laugh from Lauren. It was also reported that Mike would not be eligible for conjugal visits, meaning any attempts at baby-making would also have to wait until Mike’s release. In an interview with Us Weekly , the rest of the cast joked that prison hasn’t stopped Lauren and Mike from trying to conceive. “I think they’re already trying,” joked costar DJ Pauly D. “He’s like ‘Lauren, catch,'” he said, describing how “They smuggled out his sperm and gave it to Lauren.” That scenario definitely did not happen, but Lauren did say that the couple see each other “at least once a week.” According to her, their relationship is “stronger than ever.” This isn’t the first time the couple have mentioned trying for a baby. In May of 2018 Lauren told People that she and Mike were “definitely planning” to start a family. “We don’t have a date yet,” she said at the time, “I think we need to see how this timing pans out for the rest of the year.” “But we’ve been ready for this,” she added. “So we’re definitely not looking for a long engagement.” Well, here we are, over a year later. The engagement is over, and soon the prison sentence will be too. We wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the couple’s little Situation is on the way next. We’ll be keeping an eye on these two as they finally reunite this summer. View Slideshow: Mike Sorrentino in Prison: Star’s Sad Farewell to Freedom, New Life Behind Bars, Conjugal Visit “Situation” Revealed [UPDATED]
Mike Sorrentino: I Can’t Wait to Sex a Baby Into My Wife!