Two ex-wives. One very strong installment of NCIS. NCIS Season 12 Episode 11 opened with the discovery of five bodies inside a diner. From there, Gibbs’ first ex-wife (Diane Sterling) arrived on the scene… only to quickly be followed by Gibbs’ second ex-wife, Rebecca Chase. Watch NCIS Season 12 Episode 11 Online You can imagine how Gibbs reacted to this situation, right? Not. Well. Rebecca was only there to make amends for destroying her former love’s heart, something Gibbs did not realize at first and something that would have saved him a lot of emotional angst. We also doubt Gibbs would have run away from them if he had known this. “You got something you want to say?!?” he asked more than once, as fans were treated to an LJ Gibbs who, for once, was not in control of his emotions. He also told the team that Rebecca was “totally unstable,” “completely disrespectful,” “untrustworthy” and “a liar.” So, yeah. These two won’t be getting together any time soon. Then came the real shocker: the death of Diane! This woman, so very full of life, was a constant concern, prompting tension, drama, laughter and frustration from the typically taciturn Gibbs throughout the years. But Mishnev is intent on hurting Gibbs, as Ducky made clear, and a single bullet did Diane in. “All bets are off on what might come next… or for whom he might come,” Ducky warned. Cue the suspenseful music, wonder just what will come next and go watch NCIS online to relive this terrific hour of television.
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NCIS Season 12 Episode 11 Recap: Exed Out