HOTNESS ALERT! HOTNESS ALERT! HOTNESS ALERT! Every year, People Magazine names its Sexiest Man Alive, causing the temperature in offices and in living rooms around the globe to rise a few handsome notches. Which obvious selections have made the cut? Which choices may come as a surprise? Beware of getting drool on your keyboard and click through the gorgeous guys below… 1. 2016 In 2016, People smelled what the Rock was cooking and declared it sexy. 2. 2015 Bend it like Beckham? More like, we wish we could look like 2015 winner David Beckham! Even just for one day! 3. 2014 Chris Hemsworth took home the honor. Anyone want to tell Thor he wasn’t a worthy selection? 4. 2013 And he will be loved! Adam Levine smolders on the 2013 cover. 5. 2012 We’d Channing all over the Tatum of this 2012 winner any day at any time. 6. 2011 Say it with us: the sexiness of Bradley Cooper is limitless, people. Limitless! View Slideshow
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People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive: A Handsome History